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Author's note: I begin to mention A-Yuan in this chapter. I am not entirely sure if his age in all this would be accurate, but for future plans in this story, I am making A-Yuan only a couple months old at this point. I apologize if this is not accurate, but I have future plans that I really want to incorporate. Thanks!


"Wei-gongzi, did you know us well?" Wen Ning asked.

It was the first thing anyone had said since the other two in the room confirmed Wei Wuxian's story.

Wen Qing stared off in thought, still trying to decide in her mind whether or not they were telling the truth, or if they needed some sort of medical treatment.

Wen Ning somehow seemed the calmest out of the two siblings. His eyes sparkled in curiosity.

Wei Wuxian was very broad with his explanation. He spoke about the war and the core transfer, but he did not mention what happened to the siblings or what happened to their family.

Part of him could already see Wen Qing's brain turning, connecting the dots for herself.

Wei Wuxian smiled at the Wen. "Yes, very well actually. We spent some time living together at one point."

Wen Ning's eyes only continued to grow brighter. "What was it like? Did we break away from Wen Rouhan?"

"You did, in a sense. It's rather complicated, but I enjoyed my time staying with you and your family. Including A-Yuan." Wei Wuxian had a far away look. 

Wen Qing looked up at the mention of her nephew. "You know A-Yuan?" she asked. His mention of the young baby startled Wen Qing. 

"Yes, he was about two I think when I met him. I don't even know if he's been born yet."

"He is! He's only a couple months old now," Wen Ning confirmed with a bright smile. "We haven't had a chance to meet him yet. He was born after we arrived here."

"I'm glad. He's such a sweet kid." Wei Wuxian eyes grew distant again. He wished he could have done so much more for the little one. The burial mounds were not a home for a toddler.

"Who knows about this time travelling?" Wen Qing asked.

Nie Huaisang spoke, "Only a handful of us. Zewu-jun and Da-ge included."

"And it seems you want to keep this under wraps as much as possible," she theorizes.

Wei Wuxian nodded seriously. "Yes, if we have any chances of stopping Wen Rouhan before things get out of hand, we need to do this as quietly as possible."

Wen Qing looked thoughtful. "And this is why you know how to use resentful energy. You learned how to use it after giving away your core to your brother and being trapped in the burial mounds." At this point, Wen Qing wanted to make sure she understood everything.

Wen Ning cut in, "what about coming back? How did you do that? Why?" 

Wei Wuxian bit his lip. "Things got bad after the war. I ended up dying. Nie Huaisang experienced horrific things from there, and he got hold of a talisman I was messing with before my death. It was to reverse time, though I could never get it to work. Nie Huaisang found the missing piece and brought us back, hoping to stop the deaths of the impending future."

"This makes so much sense!" Wen Ning said with a smile. "I knew there was something about you and this is why! We technically already know each other, and you know us so well!"

Wei Wuxian chuckled. "I see you as my family. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

Wen Ning only shook his head, his smile still on his face. "No, I understand. What you went through was tough, and I know we're not aware of everything. I can't imagine what you have been through, but I am glad we got to know each other nonetheless."

A Means to an End (WangXian)Where stories live. Discover now