Is He Safe?

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Lan Wangji awoke.

It was bright. Too bright for it being five in the morning.

Lan Wangji sat up in his bed-no, not his bed-the floor. His head hurt a little, but he ignored it and focused his attention out the window.

It wasn't right. 

The sun wasn't up. It usually isn't for a couple more hours.

It's five in the morning, and he knows it, but then, what's that light?

He glanced at the bed he usually sleeps in. It was barely touched, only slightly more messy than normal. 

There should be someone sleeping there, he realizes.

He stands fully, facing towards the direction of the light. He quietly stepped into the main area where a single bright candle illuminated the darkness.

He felt confident he blew all the candles out before going to bed.

A figure sat at his work station, wearing black and hunched over. The boy scrawled haphazardly at paper and talismans, crumbling them up as he got frustrated and threw it beside him. He scratched his head in frustration, and Lan Wangji could hear a small groan of frustration.

"Wei Ying," he called.

Wei Wuxian flinched and whipped around to the figure that called him. "L-Lan Zhan!" he exclaimed. "What time is it?"

"Morning," Lan Wangji said and approached Wei Wuxian. His hair was a mess, and his robes hung loosely on him. His cheeks were sunken in and his eyes were swollen and slightly bruised. "Did you not sleep last night?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

Wei Wuxian frowned and turned back to his work.

"Wei Ying," Lan Wangji called again. He sat beside Wei Wuxian and tilted himself forward to get a better look at him. "Wei Ying, when did you wake up?" He remembers Wei Wuxian falling asleep when he played music for him. He gently set him in his bed afterwards and proceeded to go to bed himself.

"Few hours after you went to bed, I think," he replied, but he kept his eyes focused on the notes in front of him.

"You've been up most of the night?"

Wei Wuxian did not reply.

Lan Wangji felt his shoulders fall a little. He hoped Wei Wuxian would sleep more after he played for him. It turns out it wasn't quite enough. Lan Wangji heaved a silent sigh before standing up and holding his hand out to Wei Wuxian.

Wei Wuxian stared up it him. His eyes are wide and confused. "Lan Zhan?"

"You are headed back to bed. You need more rest," Lan Wangji stated.

Wei Wuxian frowned and looked away. "I'm not tired,"

"That is a lie," he said. He continued to hold out his hand, determined to make Wei Wuxian take it. "Did you have a nightmare?" he asked gently.

Wei Wuxian bit his lip, and he could feel himself shutter. He was tired. He was so inexplicably exhausted that he wanted nothing more than to collapse-to sleep until every part of him felt rejuvenated. "I can't," he admitted. "I-It's too loud. I-I can't think, or calm down. I just keep hearing screaming a-and shijie-" Wei Wuxian closed his eyes tightly.

Lan Wangji feared that the resentful energy inside him would cause his nightmares to get worse. He knew there was nothing stopping that from happening. Even when he played to expel the energy, it did not work. He could only imagine the things it could be doing to him.

Lan Wangji lowered his hand and thought for a moment. He couldn't continue to let Wei Wuxian suffer like this. They needed to find a more efficient way to help him. The medicines aren't working, the music only helps for so long. There has to be something else.

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