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The group came up with a rough sketch on how to handle the indoctrination. They decided not to get too detailed since so much is already changing. They need to be prepared for things that do not follow the original plot and be flexible enough to adjust.

In the meantime, everything will follow as planned. Wei Wuxian will continue to work on his talismans while Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue discuss further how to best inform the Jiang and Jin Sects without giving away too much. Lan Wangji vowed to help Wei Wuxian with his talismans and continue to answer any questions the boy may have about their defenses. He trusts Wei Wuxian enough that he doesn't mind giving secret information to him. He knows Wei Wuxian would never say anything to anyone about it.

Nie Huaisang sat outside his dorm room early in the morning. His brother had just left, and a weight had settled down in the pit of his stomach.

He flipped his saber around in his hand. His brother urged him once again to try and practice with it, that he will need it moving forward, but Nie Huaisang was so hesitant. 

His cultivation has never been strong, and he could barely use his saber before it clattered to the ground. Granted, he realizes it's because he never actually tried to practice with it. He never cared about cultivating before, but...maybe his brother was right?

He frowned.

Of course he knew his brother was right, but the saber still never felt right in his hands.

"Huaisang," a voice called.

Nie Huaisang put his saber down and turned to the three people walking towards him.

"Good morning!" he called and stood to greet them.

Wei Wuxian glanced at the saber forgotten to the side and frowned. "Huaisang, are you coming with us today or did you convince the old-I mean Lan Qiren to stay behind?" he asked.

"I-I have to come, but it's okay! I'll stay with a group." He tried to smile, despite his quivering voice.

Wei Wuxian gave him a gentle smile. "You can stay with us if you want." he pointed towards himself, Lan Wangji, and Jiang Wanyin.

"Thanks. I really appreciate it."

Wei Wuxian nodded. He knew this was tough on Nie Huaisang. He never wanted to cultivate, but it would seem fate had other plans for him. Wei Wuxian stared down at the saber again. He then looked at the fan in Nie Huaisang's hand. The fan that never went anywhere without him.

Wei Wuxian tapped his nose in thought. 

"I know that look. What trouble are you thinking of now?" Jiang Wanyin asked and crossed his arms.

"Not trouble..." he trailed off and continued to stare at the fan in Nie Huaisang's hand.

"Wei Ying," Lan Wangji called, perhaps a little worried by his distant gaze.

His voice pulled Wei Wuxian out of his thoughts. "Huaisang. I couldn't do it today, but what would you say if I could help you cultivate differently?"

Nie Huaisang's eyes widened. "W-What? Is that possible?" he asked.

Wei Wuxian gave him a wide smile. "Of course! Let me put some more thought into it. I might have something for you soon," he said confidently.

Nie Huaisang couldn't help smiling brightly. "Thank you, Wei-xiong!" he hugged his friend.

Wei Wuxian laughed and hugged him back.

"Alright weirdos, we need to get going," Jiang Wanyin commented.

They pulled away and nodded. 

The four proceeded to head down towards the entrance of the Cloud Recesses. They would be meeting up with their other classmates to head down to their night hunt.

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