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Wei Wuxian became more quiet as time went on.

His thoughts were jumbled. He couldn't quite make out the difference of the original past and the one they were reliving.

They were blending, making it complicated for Wei Wuxian to pick out specific details.

He tried to remember the exact sensation he felt when he was pulled into Biling Lake, the first time. He wanted to compare it with the second time, but the two memories were muddled together.

He was sure it was different this time, though he is not entirely sure how.

Him and Nie Huaisang both tried to ponder this question together. Neither could come up with a reasonable explanation. Nie Huaisang wasn't there either times. There is only so much support he could give. 

However, even though Wei Wuxian couldn't quite piece together what was different this time around, all that truly mattered was that something was different. Yes, he couldn't quite remember what that difference was or why it felt different, but he does know that a hunch is enough to make him worried.

Why was it different? Why did it dramatically shift the tide of resentful energy? How did it even shift the tide to begin with?

These were all questions that went unanswered, and it left a vulnerable feeling in Wei Wuxian's gut. The mere notion that things truly have shifted so far makes him nauseous. 

"A-Xian?" His shijie called.

Wei Wuxian looked up from staring at his desk in the Orchid room. "Shijie?" he questioned.

"Everything is going to be alright." She gave a gentle smile.

He smiled back at her and tried to look less worried than what he actually felt. "I know, Shijie."

Jiang Yanli did not quite know what was on his mind. She had a sneaking suspicion it had to do with the rumors that have been floating about. He has been quiet in lessons more and more. He even seems more withdrawn from everyone. He doesn't joke around with the other disciples anymore. He doesn't goof off in class because he's bored. He doesn't tease Jiang Wanyin that makes him go red in the face. It was just gone.

Sometimes, when she looks at her A-Xian, she doesn't quite recognize him.

"Silence," Lan Qiren called from the front of the room. Lan Xichen stood beside him, looking perhaps a little uneasy.

"Thank you," Lan Xichen started. "Before beginning lessons today, I have an important announcement to make."

Jiang Yanli watched Wei Wuxian go rigid. Her eyebrows furrowed in bewilderment. 

Is this something that A-Xian already knows about?

"First, I want to make it very clear that rumors in the Cloud Recesses is forbidden. Many of you have received punishments for not following this rule." Some students in the room looked down guiltily at Lan Xichen's words. Yes, they had been punished, but somehow that didn't stop them from gossiping. "With that said, I understand that it has gotten far out of hand and needs to be addressed," he continued, but a few people in the room could tell that his face only seemed to get paler.

He hates conflict, but he kept trying to remind himself that he is the future leader. He needs to address issues and problems. He needs to ensure the safety of others. He had failed that already. He won't do it again.

"The night hunt from awhile ago went unplanned. The resentful energy we encountered was far above the knowledge we received on the situation. For that, I apologize. However, rumors have started about a certain individual whom may have been involved with the conflict we faced with the resentful energy. I would like to ease everyone's mind by stating Wei Wuxian had nothing to with the vicious attack the Yagoui had demonstrated against us."

A Means to an End (WangXian)Where stories live. Discover now