Follow the Plot

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Dreams were fleeting.

Flashes of images crossed Wei Wuxian's visions, but they were strange. They were jumbled and loud and chaotic. He couldn't make out left and right or even up and down. It was convoluted, and dark, but he could hear his name being called over and over again.

He didn't recognize the voice.

No, the voices. There was more than one calling for him.

"Wei Wuxian!"

He shot up in his bed. Lan Wangji rushed to his side. "Wei Ying!"

Wei Wuxian was panting and disoriented. "Lan Zhan," he called. Lan Wangji placed one hand over Wei Wuxian's sweaty face, checking for a fever. The other hand held his wrist, checking his spiritual flow that was fully recovered.

"They were meant to stop," Lan Wangji observed.

Wei Wuxian looked up into golden eyes and saw worry. He shook his head. "I-I don't think it was a nightmare," he stated. "I don't know. It was strange."

Lan Wangji let go of him, but a small questioning look crossed his face. "What do you mean?"

Wei Wuxian only shook his head. "I really don't know. I can't remember much of it. I just kept hearing my name," he explained.

Lan Wangji nodded. He still felt conflicted, but there wasn't much to go on quite yet. The curse was only removed two days ago. Who could tell what lingering affects it might pose?

The scratch marks on Wei Wuxian's neck were healing nicely, completely faded at this point. . He also seemed to be sleeping a bit better, though he still needs medicine and music to help calm him before falling asleep. Though perhaps that will get better with time. Again, it is still too early to see.

Lan Wangji stood up. "It is nearly time for breakfast," he told him.

Wei Wuxian nodded and came out of bed. "When is Chifeng-zun meant to be here?" he asked.

"Shortly after breakfast," Lan Wangji replied. He began completing his normal routine. He was in the middle of meditating when Wei Wuxian woke up, so he would allow Wei Wuxian time to get ready before they headed out for food.

Once Wei Wuxian was properly dressed and no longer in his nightwear, the two of them went for breakfast at the Hanshi with Lan Xichen. 

This was new.

Normally, they would eat in the Jingshi or they would eat with the other disciples, but recently, Lan Xichen had been inviting the both of them to eat with him in the Hanshi every morning.

According to Lan Xichen, Lan Wangji and him always had breakfast together, though not as often when disciples are here to visit. Since Lan Wangji is spending time with Wei Wuxian in the Jingshi and not the other disciples, he figured it would be alright to go back to their normal routine, with the addition of Wei Wuxian of course.

They greeted Lan Xichen at the door and enjoyed another very silent meal. Wei Wuxian has yet to be used to the silence around meal time. It would make him fidget and tap his finger against his leg impatiently every single time.

And every single time, Lan Wangji would notice the discomfort and place a hand on that tapping hand to add some comfort to Wei Wuxian. It was also a silent thank you that Wei Wuxian had come to realize. Lan Wangji recognized he was trying his best to adhere by the rules of the Cloud Recesses, though sometimes he felt stifled.

It always seemed to immediately calm Wei Wuxian down.

He hated that his greatest weakness was revealed and even doted on by the Lan.

A Means to an End (WangXian)Where stories live. Discover now