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"Wei Ying," Lan Wangji called out to the person laying down in front of him. "Are you ready?"

Wei Wuxian bit his lip, but looked up at those golden eyes that held trepidation. Lan Wangji feared hurting him. "Yes. Let's do it," he said full of confidence.

Lan Wangji nodded before standing up straight  and stepping beside his uncle, his brother, and Nie Huaisang. The three stood in front of Wei Wuxian, preparing to remove the curse. Wen Ning and Wen Qing stood on standby should anything go wrong.

Wei Wuxian took the potion prepared for him by Wen Qing, combined with the herb Lan Qiren someone out to retrieve. It tasted just as awful as any other medicine he has ever taken before. 

Wei Wuxian felt woozy from the medicine. It is designed to stunt the energy in his body, but it would also affect his own spiritual. It made him feel slightly weak and lightheaded. 

His head hit the floor where he was surrounded by a strange array that curved into swirls and words written in an older language.

The four in front of Wei Wuxian prepared to use their own spiritual energy to drive out the curse.

Nie Huaisang insisted on being a part of it. His core is much stronger than it used to be, despite his resentment towards cultivating. It may not be nearly as strong as anyone else in the room, but he could still use it to help.

"Wei Wuxian," Lan Qiren called, but he was ignored. He continued to stare absentmindedly at the ceiling.

"He can hear you," Wen Qing said. "His brain is fuzzy from the medicine. It might make it difficult for him to reply."

Lan Qiren nodded in understanding. "Let's begin." The four took stance, raising their hands and closing their eyes to meditate and focus on sending their energy towards Wei Wuxian. "Do not overwhelm his spiritual energy. It will cause his body to lash out," Lan Qiren warned.

The other three nodded their heads. 

Blue, sparkling energy came out of their hands and traveled to Wei Wuxian.

As soon as the energy entered his body, he started to writhe around in pain. He gasped, his eyes wide and bulging. The array beneath him began to glow, slowly draining the curse from within in. Wei Wuxian felt a slight burn from it on his back.

The four continued to push their energy forcefully through him, reaching his core and the center of his back where the strongest bits of the curse resided.

The curse fought against the other energies, even beginning to attack and invade Wei Wuxian's body, protesting.

Wei Wuxian continued to toss and turn, blood slipped passed his lips, down his jaw, and disappearing past his hairline.

Wen Qing got to her feet. Her nerves were bundling, and the presence of blood did not sit well with her. "Less energy! There's too much!" she shouted at the four focused cultivators.

They heeded her words and reigned in some of their energy, but the curse could sense that and only retaliated stronger. It choked his lungs, forcing his chest upward, trying to find oxygen once again.

"It's not working!" Lan Xichen rasped.

"Keep focused," Lan Qiren commanded.

More blood spewed from Wei Wuxian's mouth. He couldn't breathe anymore, his face turning red. He clawed at his throat, trying to will it to open.

"He can't go on much longer!" Wen Qing warned, noticing his lips beginning to turn blue.

"Only a bit more." Lan Qiren could feel the energy losing places to hide and cause havoc. It was weakening from the overwhelming amount of spiritual energy. 

A Means to an End (WangXian)Where stories live. Discover now