Golden Core

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Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji sat in one of the courtyards of the Cloud Recesses. They were studying for their upcoming exam. Lan Wangji was attentative and focused, but Wei Wuxian became fidgety and unsettled.

Lan Wangji set his book down and turned to Wei Wuxian. "Wei Ying," he called.

Wei Wuxian looked over at him. Lan Wangji could see the exhaustion creeping on his face. Their lessons were a little longer today than normal, and it clearly brought a toll on him. "Hm?"

"We should stop," he said.

Wei Wuxian's eyebrows furrowed. "Isn't the exam in a few days?" he asked.

Lan Wangji nodded. "Yes, but rest is good for memory."

Wei Wuxian laughed. "The man that never takes a break is telling me we should rest," he teased. "Should I be concerned?" Lan Wangji went quiet and looked away from him. "....Lan Zhan?" he called after a moment.

"....Have you been sleeping well?" he asked.

Wei Wuxian frowned. "It's been fine."

"Wei Ying," he gave Wei Wuxian a stern look.

Wei Wuxian sighed and rubbed his eyes. "No, but I'm working on it," he admits.

"What are they about?"

He is not sure how to respond. It's hard to explain that the only reason why he has nightmares is because of events that haven't happened yet. "It's complicated. They're mostly about me failing others."


Wei Wuxian hugged his arms around himself and leaned against the table more. "I watch them d-die and suffer. There's nothing I-I can do about it," his voice shuttered.

"That won't happen," he says, but Lan Wangji knows it's not something that was set in stone. He knew what it was like to lose someone and have no control over it.

"You don't know that. Don't say that."

"You're right, but you will do everything to protect those you care about. That is enough," Wei Wuxian looked up at Lan Wangji. He found a small amount of comfort in those words.

"Ah, there you two are. I thought you would be with the bunnies," a new voice came in and interrupted their conversation.

"Xiongzhang." Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian both stood and greeted Lan Xichen.

"Wangji. How have you been?" He asked.


Lan Xichen smiled, then turned to Wei Wuxian. "Wei-gongzi, I have a question for you."

"Of course. What can I help with, Zewu-jun?"

"I am working out getting you a flute made, so the two of you can start practicing together, but I wanted to ask what kind of material you want it made from," he said.

"I can choose?"

"Yes, there are many options for jade, obsidian, metals. There is more, of course."

Wei Wuxian pondered for a moment. "Could I do bamboo?"

Lan Xichen paused. "You could, but it would require a little more cultivation to ensure it won't break. It is a slightly more vulnerable material."

"I could do black bamboo. That's more durable."

"That is true. I could see if I could find some if we don't already have some hidden away somewhere. Would you like that?"

Wei Wuxian smiled brightly. He wanted an instrument that was close to his original one, minus the resentful energy, of course.

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