Chapter 10: Regrets and Secrets

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"I believed you.. I loved you.. and now I don't know if I hate you or hate myself."


  We been looking for her longer than I would've liked. They've hid her well. Loyalty. Do I love her for real. She's the first person to make my heart beat in a way that I cannot describe or express. I need her. I crave her energy and her love. I'm not the same me without it. She's helped me evolve a little bit more than I did when I was alone. These last few days it felt like I couldn't breathe. Breathe. I have to remind myself every now and then, this shit feels so urban.

   Back at my homie crib we were tryna think about some other places we could've missed, while playing games and smoking listening to music. All I could do was sit there and watch them interact. I didn't know what else to do. Usually she'd be next to me watching the games or watching me play the games. Breathe. Don't forget.

"I'm finna just say fuck it."

"Why would you do that? I thought you loved this one?"

I sighed rubbing my head

"Sha I do but it's hopeless tryna find her. She might be dead by now."

Sha blew the smoke out and shook his head

"You got a bad track record with women. I didn't want to say nun but how come every bitch you fuck with end up dead or on the verge of dying."

My glare was as sharp as daggers and I stared at him with it

"They kill they self because of their own insecurities. They end up on the verge of dying because they expect me to be perfect. She.. that one I actually regret."

"Because you caused it? Or because someone else is trying to kill her?"

The other guys stopped playing the game to listen to us and for a smoke break

"Fuck you Sha. Do you have a problem with me all of a sudden? It's not my fault that any of them bitches died. They were useless anyways. I WANT TO FIND HER. Point. Blank. Period."

"Don't have a problem I'm just saying what I'm seeing that's it. So she is a special case? I knew it."

"Yo Benny I have a question. You know that one guy who you ended up almost killing? The day you got to fighting with his brother or some? Didn't his sister kill her self after fucking with you? Do you think it's possible that he could have her?"

For once Nesty finally said something worth while

"What? You think it's that guy? Well maybe. Possibly I mean like anything is possible at this rate. If that's true then she might be dead by now because he would be out for revenge I did fuck off his whole family."

"Yeah we know. We all helped you. Don't forget."


"Can you hack him or something? Use your Asian skills."

"I would if I could. Gotta stalk him to find out. What was his name?"




I knew I exactly who I was looking for I just needed confirmation. The place where she could probably be. Where Notti was last seen. Either the train or could be their old house. Just as I sank deeper into my thoughts my phone rang. There was no caller ID and not many people know my number much less anybody without a caller ID. I told the boys to hush the fuck up answered the call and put it on speaker not saying anything. Both lines were quiet and then I heard it.. heard her..

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