Chapter 11: The Lost and Found

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"Love is just a term used to describe attraction, how can we ever know if it's real?"


After 2 and a half days of searching for the place she gave us. We finally found it. And realized we drove past it multiple times in those 2 days. I hope she's still alive. I wonder who took her. Had to be dd's people. We didn't just rush in, we took our time making our way out the car and up close to the building. It looked like a mansion but the broken don dungeon kind. With vines wrapped around it, long branches loomed over the building and all in all it just screamed death and despair.

But what's a demon to a devil?

Walking quietly and light on our toes into the building I realized that there were cameras and every time we move it moved with us. I laughed those sneaky bastards. But there was only one goal in my mind.. her. Never minding the cameras I continued to keep on the path to where I thought was the right place to go. And what do you know I was right.

After a few minutes of walking we ended up in a dimly lit ballroom. Weapons out of sight. They see a weapon they gone think it's war time, all I want is to get her and get out. A fair exchange is it not. The things I do for her. I would've never cared to come this far for another bitch. But for her something is different.


It broke my heart the way they brought her out. Everything and everyone was quiet. Her chains rattled and hit the floor as she walked. Bruises covered her small figure, a bandanna over her eyes, she was breathing heavily, and there were a few cuts on her that looked fresh. Blood dripping off her made the fire from inside of me turn into rage. I was trying my best not to see red. We all came in masks so unless you knew our eyes no one knew who the others were. They only knew it was me because of the situation.

When they stopped walking he pushed her on the ground, and when she hit it she whimpered in pain. One of the other niggas grabbed her and sat her on her knees removing the bandanna. One of her eyes was freshly beat until it closed. Fueling my fire even more I want to kill them all in the worst way fucking inhumanly possible. These fucking bitches. The one who pushed her finally removed his mask and just like I said it was dd. She was staring at me with a tear coming out of her eye. She wasn't wearing any clothes just her underwear and her bra. There were hand prints on her too all over her arms and neck.

"I'm sorry.. Benny... they forced me to do it.. I-I'm sorry.."

I didn't understand what she was saying until everyone drew their guns only on me

"You know we could've been friends man but you just had to do what you did."

My niggas pulled their weapons on dd people but his side was still aiming for me

"Ion befriend pussy niggas ask ya dead homie. Bet he knows. Oh shit my bad, the lil bitch dead. Now give me what I own and let's be done with this shit."

He shook his head no as he crouched putting a knife to her throat

"It doesn't work like that Benny. You wanna know why you're here? Because we made a deal with her. She brings you here and we let her go free. But you see yo lil bitch tried to turn her back on us when she saw you pull up."

What.. the.. fuck.. my heart felt like I was being stabbed but I couldn't let it be known

"So y'all made a deal to bring me here, get me killed, and she goes free with what?"

I'm trying to tell myself it's not that bad

"Benny don't listen to him. He's told me things too, he wanted me to betray you. So he filled my ears with what you've done to females like me and how you killed off his family. He's cried to me-.."

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