0. Sneak Peek

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In the heart of a city full of secrets, a harsh fate weaves a twisted story of desperation and tough choices. Meet Jisoo, a young woman trapped in a dire situation. Her life full of dreams and aspirations is shattered when her father loses everything at a ruthless casino.

Once a prosperous man, her father's downfall in gambling leads to a mountain of debt. Merciless loan sharks demand repayment, eyeing Jisoo as a means to settle the dues, planning on making her pay with her own body. Her dreams and innocence are at stake, destined to be crushed by the hands of darkness.

But in the shadows, a glimmer of hope emerge. An unexpected proposal arises as Seungcheol's father, a cunning businessman with twisted ambitions, suggests a disturbing deal.

"I'll give you the money to clear your debts," the elder man sneers, "but in exchange, your daughter must marry my son."

"A deceitful alliance that ties her fate to his manipulative games."

"A façade of love hiding the poison beneath."

Jisoo, cornered and defenseless, finds herself entangled in a sinister alliance. Seungcheol, groomed in a toxic environment, is far from the savior she had hoped for.

His demeanor, a blend of arrogance, superiority and dominance, portrays a hopeless picture of the future they are destined to share.

As the circumstances force Jisoo to accept this loveless contract, she glimpses the abyss that lies ahead. Their relationship, born out of necessity rather than affection, is destined to be a breeding ground for manipulation and torture.

Seungcheol's true colors, veiled behind a facade of false charm, soon reveal a darker reality—one where control and dominance rule, suffocating any flicker of genuine connection.

The toxicity of their bond steadily damages Jisoo's dreams and beliefs, leaving her in a constant battle for her own identity. In a world where love should dominate all, theirs becomes a twisted dance of power and compromise, leaving scars that run deeper than mere flesh—a grim reminder of the cruel price paid for survival.

Will they find a way to break free from this suffocating grip of toxicity and build something real, or will they be consumed by the darkness, leaving nothing but shattered souls in their wake?


coming soon...

  violence/ cursing/ sexual assault/ harassment/ mentions and use of drugs and alcohol/ death/ blood/ suicidal attempts/ suicidal thoughts/ possessive behavior/ mental disorder/ abusive relationship/ domestic violence/ forced marriage/ control and possessiveness/ forced actions/ gambling/ manipulation/ mental abuse/ needles/ physical abuse/ verbal abuse

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