5. Fury On The Fast Lane

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Jisoo tried closing her eyes, attempting to get some rest after the exhausting day. But it was impossible.

Being in a stranger's house, especially Seungcheol's, made everything feel weird for her – the bed, the room, the whole place.

The guest room's window was incredibly wide, offering a sweeping view of the expansive sky. The night sky, dotted with stars and the calm presence of the moon, seemed to tempt her to sleep.

However, despite the peaceful scene, she found herself unable to close an eye.

Her mind incessantly replayed the events from hours ago. The fear had gripped her the moment he stepped into her space, but as the hours unfolded and they interacted, she grasped the true extent of his danger.

He was beyond danger, actually. The danger feared him.

Even though he hadn't physically harmed her, his intimidating presence was enough for her to understand.

His eyes, both dark and authoritative, resonated a silent command, screaming at her to remain in her place.

As the clock struck 4 A.M, she let out a sigh, feeling exhausted yet unable to surrender to sleep. And that's how she spent the rest of her night.

Morning made its way, the sun bursting into Seungcheol's room.

He remained asleep until his phone began to ring, prompting him to groan as he gradually roused from his slumber.

"Hello?" his hoarse and deep voice resonated the moment he answered the call, his eyes still closed, almost on the verge of slipping back into sleep.

"Hyung, we got news. Mingyu's back in the country. His plane arrived minutes ago," Minghao's voice echoed on the other end of the line, causing Seungcheol to open his eyes and gaze at the ceiling.

"Oh, yeah? Anyone there to welcome him at the airport?" Seungcheol inquired, rising from the bed gradually.

"No, not a soul...No bodyguard, no one from his father's men. Just him, all by himself," Minghao informed, as he sighed heavily.

Seungcheol let out a sigh as well, running a hand through his disheveled black hair.

"You can go, Minghao. Meet him. But not a word about his sister or what went down," he instructed, sensing Minghao's smile through the phone call.

Minghao and Mingyu had a friendship that was the envy of many; they stood by each other through thick and thin.

Nothing could tear them apart, except for one thing—the distance...

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