8. Reckless

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Jisoo's eyelids fluttered open, her entire body throbbing with pain.

She let out a whimper, her head pounding with pain as the world spun around her in a dizzying blur.

Her trembling fingers reached for her head, finding it enveloped in bandages, the fabric securing her wounded forehead.

Jisoo attempted to rise, every fiber of her being protesting against the effort due to the searing pain coursing through her body.

Her gaze swept across the room, and in an instant, recognition dawned upon her. This was undoubtedly his room.

Before, her condition might have served as a shield against his advances, but now that she was awake, she feared his intentions, knowing he might not hesitate to take advantage of her fragile state.

Jisoo knew that her best course of action was to leave the room and retreat to where she had slept the previous night. There, at least, she could evade his gaze and potential advances.

Just as she was about to rise from the bed, the door creaked open, revealing Seungcheol. His gaze, already fixed upon her form, sent a shiver down her spine.

Her big eyes met his expressionless ones, and without a word, he entered the room, shutting the door behind him with a ominous click.

"You're awake," he said in a low, gravelly voice that echoed in the quiet room, his gaze never leaving her.

He took measured steps closer to her until he stood right in front of her, towering over her.

She had to raise her chin to meet his gaze, feeling small and vulnerable in his presence.

"I-I'm sorry," she stammered, her voice quivering with panick. "I know what I did was wrong. Please, forgive me."

Seungcheol looked down at her, his expression unchanged. Jisoo stood there awkwardly, shifting uncomfortably under his gaze, feeling increasingly intimidated by his presence.

"How are you feeling?" he asked gruffly, prompting her to furrow her brows in slight bewilderment.

She had anticipated him yelling at her, not showing concern for her.

"Oh...I'm okay," she replied.

"I'll get you some painkillers and food. And you'll have to sleep here tonight. The stitches could come loose, and I don't want you bleed again," he said plainly, his tone practical.

"But why do I have to sleep here?" she asked, her confusion evident as she tried to grasp his intentions.

"So I can keep an eye on your wound," he replied, glancing at his wristwatch.

"It's fine, I can sleep in the other room," she almost pleaded, the idea of sharing a room with him making her whole body tense.

He studied her with a furrowed brow, a hint of anger mixing with his usual stoicism.

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