6. Older & Colder

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As her car screeched to a sudden and violent halt, the force of the impact sent her lurching forward, her forehead colliding forcefully with the hard surface of the steering wheel.

A guttural groan escaped her lips, echoing the pain reverberating through her body.

Seungcheol, driven by both urgency and concern, wasted no time. He sprinted towards her car and swiftly yanked open the door, the metallic creaking matching the seriousness of the situation.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" he shouted at her, a potent mix of anger and concern etched on his face.

Blood trickled down her forehead, staining her messed-up hair. The smash into the steering wheel left her feeling all over the place, dizzy and disoriented.

Seungcheol carefully examined every inch of her, searching for any signs of additional injuries. Leaning in, he took a closer look.

"Hey, can you hear me?" he asked, his hand gently reaching for her face to make sure he met her eyes.

Guiding her face toward him, he noticed the blood and swiftly realized she had a wound on her forehead, near her hairline.

His hand reached up to inspect the injury, causing her to flinch as his cold fingers traced the cut.

He met her eyes, their gaze locking for a fleeting moment before he released a heavy sigh.

"Hold on for a moment. I need to see how bad the cut is," he said, guiding her shoulders and encouraging her to lean back in the seat.

Her head drooped almost instantly because of the overwhelming dizziness.

Seungcheol's fingers carefully explored the wound, assessing its depth by gently probing around the edges.

Jisoo hissed once more, releasing a long breath, acutely feeling the pressure of his touch.

"Why did you think of such a stupid idea?" he asked, his gaze shifting from her wound to meet her eyes.

Closing her eyes and reopening them, she spoke, "I wanted to go...home," she whispered in a low voice, barely audible.

Her chest rose and fell, impacted by the aftermath of the accident. Her body trembled excessively, fueled by both the lingering adrenaline and the overwhelming fear, alongside the persisting pain.

Seungcheol sighed once more, his fingers now bearing the warmth of her blood. "Alright, let's get you out of here," he said, noting her fragile state.

His hand gently cradled her head, allowing it to rest against his chest. The other hand moved to her back, applying slow pressure to help her find the strength to sit up.

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