1. Meeting Him

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"Dad, I'm begging you! I can't do this," she pleaded, tears converging at the cusp of her chin.

"Jisoo, listen to me! Your safety is at stake. You and your mother must leave the country immediately!" her father shouted, causing her to flinch. 

Behind her stood her stepmother, appearing anxious, yet it was evident that her concern was for her own life, not for Jisoo's.

"But dad, my entire life is rooted here. How can I abandon everything?" she cried. 

The thought of leaving behind her current existence was unimaginable; she couldn't envision a life without what she held dear.

"Jisoo!" her father shouted, advancing toward her as she trembled with fear. Overwhelmed, she sank to her knees, uncontrollable sobs escaping her. 

Her father abruptly halted his steps when the doorbell rang, causing his expression to contort with fear. They had come for him, for what he owed.

"Eunji, take Jisoo and leave through the back door. Don't come back, no matter what," he pleaded desperately. 

His wife nodded in fear, and Jisoo remained rooted to the floor, paralyzed by the escalating disaster.

"Jisoo, look at me," her father spoke, kneeling in front of her. His hands cupped her cheeks, and he spoke with a trembling voice, "I've already informed your brother that you're heading to him. Don't worry, he'll be waiting for you and Eunji. Everything will be alright. Once I settle things here, I'll find you."

"No, dad! I can't leave you here," she protested, vigorously shaking her head.

"Jisoo! You have to leave, right now!" he urgently implored.

Kissing her forehead gently, he rose to his feet, a solemn resolve etched on his face. Retrieving his gun from its holster at his back, he turned to face the imminent threat outside the door.

"I'll hold them off. Take Eunji and get to your brother. He'll protect you both." 

"Dad, I can't just leave you here," she protested, her eyes welling up with tears.

"You have to, Jisoo. It's the only way," he whispered.

The knocks abruptly stopped, prompting all three to pivot their attention toward the door. An unsettling stillness enveloped the room, and Jisoo's father furrowed his brows, sensing that something was wrong.

"Leave, now!" he shouted, urgency lacing every syllable.

Reluctantly, Jisoo rose from the cold floor, her legs threatening to give way beneath her, the tremors coursing through her entire body.

With trembling hands, she approached and embraced her father tightly, seeking comfort in his protective arms. Tears streamed down her face as she buried herself in his chest.

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