19. Light In the Shadows

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Everyone in the room froze, their eyes locked on Mingyu, who wore a sinister expression. He knew something had happened to his sister, and the panic welling up inside him made him feel like he was standing on the edge of a cliff.

He could sense the way his body started to tremble, his heart pounding faster than if he were running a marathon. Something pressed on his throat, restricting his breathing. 

This feeling was all too familiar.

"What happened to my sister?" His rough, raspy voice filled the room, a grave expression etched on his face.

Jeonghan stood up, sighing softly as he tried to come up with a lie.

"She's not interested in eating anything. Seungcheol just called me to ask about what he can do," Jeonghan smoothly lied, his expression serious as though he believed his own lie.

"You're fucking lying," Mingyu retorted immediately, his fists clenched at his sides.

"Why would I lie, Mingyu? I don't give a shit about your feelings anymore. In fact, I'd relish seeing you suffer, just as we suffered back then. But I'll be blunt because you're irrelevant to me now. She genuinely refuses to eat, and that's as fucked up as it sounds," Jeonghan fired back, his eyes locked on Mingyu's.

Mingyu strode closer to Jeonghan, his imposing figure towering over as he stood tall in front of them.

"I'm not buying your lie. I'll see for myself if that's the reason you're pitying my sister," he declared, his intense gaze burning through the room.

"But if that bastard laid a single finger on her, he'd better start planning his own fucking funeral," Mingyu seethed before he turned and left without another word.

Jeonghan sighed heavily, cursing under his breath. "Shit, call Seungcheol."

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