10. Try Me

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Seungcheol cursed under his breath as he stepped into the house, his movements quick and determined as he made his way directly to the kitchen, where he expected to find Jisoo.

Gun still gripped tightly in his hand, Seungcheol entered the kitchen, his gaze sweeping the room in search of any sign of her.

Furrowing his brows in frustration, he scanned every corner of the kitchen, his anger mounting with each passing second as he failed to find her.

"Where the fuck are you, Kim Jisoo?" he growled, his voice laced with rage as he pounded the gun on the kitchen counter, the sound echoing in the tense silence of the room.

"Sir!" one of his guards hurried into the kitchen, calling out to him. Seungcheol turned sharply to face the man. 

"We reviewed the CCTV footage to investigate the gunshot sound, but we discovered that Miss Kim has escaped," the guard informed, his words punctuated by a sense of urgency. 

Seungcheol's brows furrowed, a surge of frustration coursing through him as he tightened his grip on the gun once again.

"Oh, yeah? Did she? By herself?" Seungcheol questioned, his tone dripping with skepticism as he loaded the gun, his actions reflecting his growing agitation. 

The guard gulped nervously, meeting Seungcheol's intense gaze with dread.

"No, sir. Kim Mingyu helped her. He got inside the house through the back door. I apologize for our mistake," the man spoke, his hands feeling sweaty.

"Mmm," Seungcheol hummed, his lips forming a smirk as he nodded his head in acknowledgment. 

"Good job, Kim," he whispered under his breath before abruptly turning the gun directly at the man's leg and firing, the sound of the gunshot reverberating through the kitchen.

The man screamed in agony as he collapsed to the floor, clutching his injured knee with both hands in a desperate attempt to stem the bleeding. 

Seungcheol methodically loaded the gun once more, his expression unreadable as the man beside him began to beg nervously for mercy.

"Please, sir, don't kill me," the man pleaded, his voice trembling with fear as he looked up at Seungcheol with wide eyes.

"No need to worry," Seungcheol reassured the trembling man, his voice chillingly calm as he checked his gun before proceeding. 

"This bullet isn't for you. I made a promise to someone else,"  he declared before abruptly turning the gun toward the plate of pasta and pulling the trigger. 

The deafening sound of the gunshot filled the room as the plate shattered, sending pasta flying in all directions. The man flinched at the unexpected noise, his fear palpable in the tense air.

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