4. Let's Play A Game

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Eunji settled into a seat beside Jisoo's father, who had consumed an entire bottle of whiskey by now.

"Honey, please stop drinking. You shouldn't drown yourself in this. Jisoo will be fine," she implored, her hand resting gently on top of his.

"Eunji, don't. I fucked up this time," he said, sighing heavily, his face now buried in his hands.

"But Mrs. Choi assured that he's going to help you," she said, causing him to shift his gaze towards her.

"Helping by marrying my daughter off to his erratic son? Ha, what a great solution," he mocked bitterly.

Eunji sighed, rising from her seat. "And I fail to see the problem. Jisoo will have a wealthy husband, and she'll be safe. Isn't that enough?" Frustration tinged her voice as she raised her tone.

"Wealth? That's what you're concerned about? I don't trust that bastard! Do you think my son left his group and the country for no reason? It's because of the problems he created," he raised his voice, frustration evident.

"And that's why he's now in control of the entire city, right? Because of these problems?" she retorted.

"No, your son left the country because he didn't want to help you, to make some money," she spat, her frustration boiling over.

Mr. Kim sighed heavily. "He's coming here," he replied, prompting Eunji to furrow her brows in confusion.

"Why? Did he suddenly remember he has a sister?" Eunji questioned with a skeptical tone.

"Don't start, Eunji. I can't argue with you right now. All I need is to find a plan to get Jisoo out of the country and keep her away from Dongyul's son. I don't like the way he looked at my daughter. It was like he was devouring her with his gaze," he expressed his concerns.

"And it's a problem if he likes her?" she asked, a note of disbelief in her voice.

"Yes, it is!" he raised his voice, his hand slamming onto the table, causing Eunji to flinch at the sudden action.

"You're not getting it. I know his father. He's more ruthless than any businessman I've ever dealt with. Do you honestly believe he'll help me just because my daughter marries his son? He's doing this so he can claim half of my properties when I manage to retrieve them! If I fail to reclaim them, my daughter will be in more danger than she was with the man who barged into our house today," he explained, desperation seeping into his words.

"And that bastard is cut from the same cloth, maybe even more ruthless and dangerous. My son knew what he was doing when he left his group. You don't grasp how dangerous it is for Jisoo!" His tone grew louder and more impatient.

"And why did you let her leave with him?" She screamed back at him.

"Were you oblivious to Dongyul's gaze? His expression?? Were you blind enough not to see how he was practically demanding me to accept?" he continued to scream at her.

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