13. Lost In Darkness

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Her body froze, muscles tensing at the words she had just heard. Her mind buzzed incessantly, a knot forming in her throat.

Mr. Choi regarded her with an amused expression at her reaction before speaking. "It's just a baby, Jisoo. What's the problem?" he asked, his tone laced with a hint of mockery.

She found herself unable to utter a single word, as if everything around her had turned surreal.

"But Seungcheol won't find out. I want you to seduce him enough to conceive a child together," he continued in a low tone, causing Jisoo to immediately furrow her brows in disbelief.

"Do you even listen to yourself?" she spat, wiping away her tears, finally gathering the courage to speak.

"I do, my dear. And I believe this is the perfect plan. So, I anticipate good news right after the wedding," he said calmly, while Jisoo seethed with anger.

"This is not going to happen. Not in this lifetime, nor in any other," she spat defiantly.

"Oh, but it will. Because you have no choice," he declared, closing the distance between them until he was near enough to catch her wrist in a tight grip.

She struggled to break free from his grip, but he tightened his hold even more, causing her skin to turn red almost instantly. "Let me go," she demanded, furrowing her brows in frustration.

"You will listen to me, not him, if you want to stay safe. Do you hear me?" he spat in a low tone, ensuring that Seungcheol couldn't overhear them.

"What is this? Listen to him, listen to you. I'm not a child to obey all of you. Leave me alone, for God's sake!" she exclaimed in desperation.

Without hesitation, his hand made contact with her cheek, sending her crashing to the floor with a resounding thud.

"Keep that mouth fucking shut!" he muttered in an angry tone, before striding towards her.

With a harsh grip, he hoisted her from the floor and swiftly took her into the kitchen, ensuring Seungcheol wouldn't witness their altercation.

Wide-eyed, Jisoo felt the intense stinging pain on her cheek, disbelief washing over her as she struggled to comprehend how she ended up in this situation.

The memory of everyone touching her without consent, their voices screaming at her, and the physical blows haunted her, leaving her feeling overwhelmed and powerless.

He closed the door firmly behind them, his grip on her wrist so tight that it cut off circulation, leaving her hand numb and tingling.

"If you dare to utter a word about this, I swear your father will be in big trouble. And if he is, so are you and your whole family," he spat at her, his words striking her like a blow as tears stung her eyes.

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