7. No Going Back

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"Long time no see, little traitor," Seungcheol uttered, his voice a venomous whisper as he closed the distance between them. His gaze bore into Mingyu's, unwavering.

"Traitor? Pathetic," Mingyu scoffed, his voice laced with defiance as he gently grazed his broken lip, a trickle of blood staining his finger.

"Why are you here?" Seungcheol asked, his hands buried in his pockets, his demeanor calm but his eyes sharp with suspicion.

"Where's my sister?" Mingyu spat back, his defiance unwavering, refusing to be intimidated by someone he once trusted.

"Never answer my question with another one," Seungcheol warned, his tone laced with a hint of impatience.

"Do you think I'm the Mingyu you once knew? The one who'd obediently follow your every command? Ha, you fucker," Mingyu retorted sharply, his eyes ablaze with defiance as he refused to yield to Seungcheol's authority.

Seungcheol arched an eyebrow at Mingyu's audacity, a smirk dancing on his lips. "Oh, am I wrong? Then who are you?" Seungcheol asked, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"You'll find out soon enough, don't worry," Mingyu replied cryptically.

Seungcheol let out a small chuckle, completely unimpressed.

"Where's my sister?" Mingyu asked once more, his tone firm and demanding.

"Sleeping," Seungcheol answered shortly, his reply devoid of emotion.

"I ain't here for your games. I'll take my sister back home. You have no reason to keep her with you," Mingyu growled, his patience wearing thin.

"Well, I didn't initially. But now, I kinda started to like having her around," Seungcheol teased, a hint of mischief in his voice as he knowingly poked at Mingyu's soft spot for his sister.

Mingyu closed the distance between them, his eyes ablaze with rage. "If you ever dare to lay a hand on my sister or even think about her in the wrong way, I'll make sure to rip your head off," he threatened, his voice dropping to lower, more dangerous tones.

"Go ahead and try. I've already touched her," Seungcheol replied defiantly, showing no fear of Mingyu's threat.

Without hesitation, Mingyu threw a hard punch at Seungcheol's face, the impact sending him stumbling back several steps.

"Yeah? You did it?" Mingyu growled in a low tone, advancing towards Seungcheol with purpose.

Wasting no time, he launched another ruthless kick at Seungcheol, his actions devoid of mercy. After all, Seungcheol had done nothing to earn it.

As he prepared to strike again, a voice halted him in his tracks. "Kim Mingyu!" echoed a rough, old voice from the main door.

Both men diverted their attention to the door, fixing their gaze on the figure entering. 

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