11. Suffocation

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Minghao was stunned by Seungcheol's sudden appearance and stood still at the entrance, his head empty.

"What do you mean, hyung?" he asked, his voice strained as he attempted to mask his inner turmoil. 

He couldn't afford to show any signs of distress, not when Jisoo's safety hung in the balance. He had made a promise to Mingyu, and he was determined to keep it at all costs.

Seungcheol scrutinized Minghao with a frown, analyzing every nuance of his demeanor, even the cadence of his breath. 

"Who's with you, Minghao?" he asked, his expression hardening as he pressed for answers.

"I had a friend over. Is that an issue, hyung? Why the sudden interrogation?" Minghao retorted, his tone laced with feigned innocence as he tried to divert Seungcheol's suspicions.

Without uttering another word, Seungcheol brushed past Minghao, forcefully bumping his shoulder against his as he shot him a piercing glare.

He stepped into the apartment, his eyes darting around every corner, scanning for any sign of Jisoo. His gaze swept over the room, searching every nook and cranny with a sense of urgency.

Minghao hurried after Seungcheol, his heart pounding in his chest as he noticed the absence of Jisoo in the living room. 

His plan had succeeded. By engaging Seungcheol in conversation at the door, he had bought Jisoo enough time to hide, effectively keeping Seungcheol occupied and 'unaware' of her presence.

Seungcheol turned to face Minghao, a glower etched onto his features as he found the living room empty. "Where is she?" he growled, his voice low and filled with simmering frustration.

"Who are you referring to, hyung?" Minghao asked, his tone carefully neutral as he met Seungcheol's intense gaze.

"Don't play dumb, Minghao, and answer me. Where is she?" he pressed, each word dripping with intensity and determination.

Minghao sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Hyung, I have no idea what you're talking about. Who's 'she'?" 

"Fucking hell," Seungcheol exclaimed, his steps quickening as he closed the distance between himself and Minghao. 

In one swift motion, he grabbed Minghao's collar, pulling him closer until their faces were mere inches apart.

"You think you can pull the wool over my eyes? Where the fuck were you last night when the shipment went down? Right at the same time Kim Mingyu decided to pull a stunt and take Jisoo from my place. You three think I'm fucking blind to your little games, huh? That I wouldn't catch on?" Seungcheol growled, his voice laced with anger as he stared fiercely into Minghao's eyes.

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