12. Against The Tide

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┌─── ∘°❉°∘ ───┐

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┌─── ∘°❉°∘ ───┐

He raised an eyebrow, gazing down at her with a grave expression, while she remained standing on the cold floor, her vulnerabilities laid bare for him to witness.

Seungcheol lifted his gaze to the bodyguards and gestured for them to depart, as they promptly complied, leaving him and Jisoo alone in the living room.

He slowly turned to meet her frightened gaze, his expression blank, devoid of any emotion.

Seungcheol appeared calm, not uttering a word. Yet, his eyes...they betrayed the tempest raging within him to any observer.

Jisoo, unable to meet his intense gaze, averted her eyes downward to the floor, where she quietly wiped away the tears streaming down her face.

She feared him, yet the pain of her brother's abandonment cut deeper. In this moment, Seungcheol held the power to do anything to her. There was no greater agony than being cast into danger by one's own brother.

Seungcheol scoffed as he looked at her crying on the floor. Her tears no longer impressed him.

"You know, your tears used to weaken me once. But now...I see how stupid I was to fall for them," he chuckled, while she dared not to raise her head.

"You're just a little girl, aren't you? Throw a fit because daddy won't buy you that shiny toy, and you'll cry all day," he persisted, driving the barb deeper into her emotional wound.

"Are you feeling sorry for yourself? Because everyone has abandoned you? Because your own fucking family delivered you into my hands, despite knowing who I am? They know my capabilities, yet here you are," he continued, probing her further.

"Why do you even care, huh? And why can't you just leave me alone? I haven't done anything to you," she cried, her tear-blurred eyes lifting to meet his dark gaze.

"Because you're acting so fucking pathetic right now. Because you actually believed you could leave this place, even after I told you not to!" he raised his voice, his anger beginning to show through.

"Maybe I was too kind to you. I laid out everything you needed to know, I warned you countless times. I treated you like a normal fucking person, but what did I get in return? It's like talking to a brick wall," he persisted, continuing to push the point.

"Kind to me? What kindness did you show? Not abusing me? Not killing me? Listen to yourself, you're fucking insane!" she shouted, rising from the floor in defiance.

"Watch your fucking mouth!" he shouted back, closing the distance between them. His eyes blazed with anger, while hers reflected pain. 

Yet neither backed down from the confrontation, knowing it would only escalate the already mounting problems.

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