15. I Fear You

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Seungcheol's brows furrowed further, his expression darkening with anger and concern as he watched his father release Jisoo's hand.

She winced, her features contorting in pain as she rubbed her wrist, clearly affected by the force of his grip.

Seungcheol closed the distance between them, his eyes burning with rage as his father let out a low chuckle. "What do you think is happening? We were just discussing the wedding dress. I simply advised her to choose one that meets our standards," his father lied smoothly, a deceitful smile spreading across his face.

Seungcheol turned to Jisoo, his eyes immediately drawn to her wrist, where a dark, angry bruise stood out starkly against her pale skin, worse than it had been the previous night.

"Is that true?" he asked, his voice low yet commanding, echoing through the mansion with an intensity that matched the turmoil in his mind.

Jisoo's heart dropped, a wave of fear washing over her as she grappled with the dilemma before her. If she spoke the truth, it was likely that Choi Dongyul would retaliate against her family, just as he had threatened to do the previous night.

She felt trapped, torn between protecting herself and protecting her loved ones.

Her eyes welled up with tears, threatening to spill over at any moment. But she knew she needed to remain composed, to act tough, or else Seungcheol would see right through her facade. She steeled herself, forcing the tears back as she braced for what she had to do next.

On the other hand, Seungcheol's gaze bore into her, his scrutiny intense as he observed her every movement, her every heartbeat. His eyes, sharp and penetrating, searched for any sign of deception, any hint of the truth hidden beneath the surface.

"Yes," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper, hating herself for the lie that fell from her lips. But in that moment, her family's safety outweighed everything else.

He continued to gaze at her, his eyes steady and unwavering, sensing the deception in her words. Deep down, he knew she was lying, but he also understood the dangerous position she was in.

Despite his own frustrations, he couldn't bring himself to push her further, knowing that doing so would only exacerbate her fear and anxiety.

Seungcheol sighed heavily, a weight lifting from his shoulders as he closed his eyes briefly, a silent acknowledgment of the difficult position she was in. When he reopened them, they softened, conveying a silent reassurance to her that she was safe for now.

Jisoo looked at him, feeling a wave of safety wash over her, if only for a fleeting moment. She harbored resentment towards him, knowing he had also been aggressive towards her, but in that moment, she recognized that his father posed an even greater threat.

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