2. His Dominance

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Jisoo stood in stunned silence, her heart was pounding within her chest. Before her stood a mysterious stranger, a man whose identity eluded her.

"I must admit, you've got some strength for a petite lady," he remarked, casting a downward glance at her, a subtle smirk playing on his lips.

A nervous gulp escaped her as she contemplated a strategy to take down the man and make a swift escape. Behind her, Eunji, her stepmother, remained frozen in place, a silent observer to the growing tension.

"Who are you?" she asked, her voice a delicate blend of nerves and fear. Her fingers fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, a subtle sign of her unease.

He, in turn, picked up on her unease immediately, his keen gaze capturing the subtle nuances of her body language.

A low chuckle rumbled in his throat, the corners of his lips curling into a sly smirk, as if enjoying the effect he had on her.

"You'll find out soon," he retorted, the smirk lingering on his face.

Her gaze involuntarily wandered to the intriguing sight of his dimples, an unexpected contrast to the rugged features that defined the rest of his face.

Feeling the urgency for a swift exit, her hand quietly went to her back, signaling her stepmother to be ready with a few gentle taps on her hand. Eunji caught on fast, giving a little nod to show she understood.

However, they weren't the only ones who noticed.

He scrutinized every detail: the way her hand discreetly moved to her back, the subtle flinch from her stepmother, and the determination in her eyes, revealing her intentions.

She couldn't deceive him; every aspect was laid bare under his observation.

Yet, she knew she had to try it.

"Now!" Jisoo urgently shouted to Eunji, who wasted no time seizing the opportunity.

In one swift motion, she lunged forward, putting all her strength into a shove, aiming to knock him to the ground and buy them the precious moments they needed to escape.

Nevertheless, the outcome defied her expectations.

He was indeed pushed back, his equilibrium momentarily disrupted, but a determined resilience prevented him from falling to the ground. His boots scraped against the ground as he fought to maintain stability.

Seungcheol, although momentarily caught off guard, swiftly regained his composure.

A flicker of surprise crossed his features, yet his demeanor adapted seamlessly to the unexpected shove. His body subtly adjusted, countering the force applied against him.

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