Chapter 10

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Alicia kept working on finishing her composition, even after Taylor left to go back to his grandmother's house.

As Alicia's parents came home later that night, they were filled with joy as they heard the most beautiful composition they had ever heard being played by their own daughter.

As they walked into the living room and saw their daughter playing, they were filled with a certain happiness they had been missing for the past few weeks.

Alicia finished playing and looked over to where her parents were standing, with huge smiles plastered all over their faces.

"When did y'all get home?" Alicia asked.

"A few minutes ago." Her mom replied, as her parents sat down on the couch.

"Honey, that was beautiful." Her dad told her.

"Thanks dad. That's the composition I wrote for Katie. I'm going to play it at her funeral." Alicia explained, as her smile fell into a frown when she thought of her best friend.

"I'm sure she would've loved it." Her mom said, as soon she noticed her daughter's frown.

"Yea." Alicia replied, with a slight grin.

As a week passed, Alicia continued to play her piano every day, perfecting Katie's Composition so it would be ready to play at her funeral in a few days.

As the days passed, Alicia soon found herself looking in the mirror at her dress the day of Katie's funeral, March 7th. Alicia prepared herself as she grabbed Katie's Composition and left for the funeral.

One by one, a few of Katie's friends and family members walked up and made speeches, all of them consisting of how sweet and kind she was, how funny she was, or how you'll never find someone like Katie ever again because she was a one-of-a-kind person.

As Alicia walked up to read her speech, she sat down the composition titled Katie's Composition on the piano and walked over to the podium to read her speech.

"Katie was indeed a one-of-a-kind person. She was sweet, kind, funny. She was many things, but above all, she was my best friend and I loved her no matter what. I still do. She brought a certain kind of happiness into my life that I had never experienced before. Her smile could light up a room. I may have only been friends with her for seven years to this day, but I knew her long enough to know that she wouldn't want anybody to cry over her leaving us because she knows that God is going to take care of her. She trusts that God knows what's he's doing. She would tell us to trust God because he knows what's he's doing. He decided it was time to call her home and we should all trust his decision, even if we think differently. Now I'm going to play a song I wrote called Katie's Composition I wrote it so I could play it for her when she turned thirteen. Happy birthday Katie Savannah! You're finally a teenager." Alicia said as she made her way over to the piano to play Katie her birthday present.

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