Professor and Mechanic

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-AU Dean is a mechanic and Cas is a university professor teaching religions-‎

"That's a wrap class! Don't forget, you must pick a topic by next class for your final essay" Castiel Novak finished up class early friday afternoon. Castiel just wanted to leave after the week he was having. 

Monday someone broke into his apartment and trashed his place. 

Tuesday his teaching assistant broke her leg so Castiel covered both his after hour meetings and hers. 

Wednesday he got food poisoning from his favorite diner. 

Thursday he was in the hospital due to the poisoning. 

He just wanted to get home and sleep the weekend away before he had essays to grade. 

Castiel got into his old Honda Civic, put the key in and turned. 

"FOR FUCK SAKES!!!!" Castiel yelled when the car wouldn't start up. Castiel asked a person in the parking lot if they could help boost his car and give it enough battery life to get to the closest garage or dealer. 

"Check out Singer & Winchester Garage, they're about 20 minutes away just take the old dirt road off the second exit on the highway and turn onto the first road and that leads to the dirt road" The nice person who boosted his car suggested. 

"Well it can't get worse, thanks again" Castiel thanked the tall male. 

Castiel followed the man's directions and the his car died when he turned on the dirt road. Castiel got out of his car and walked the rest of the way. 

"Can I help you sir?" an attractive man with short light brown hair and apple green eyes and toned body asked politely. 

"Umm yeah, my umm car broke down at the start of this road. Can you help me?" Castiel was stuttering and getting flustered. 

"Yep, I can help you. Let's get into the tow truck and bring her back here" the man lead the way to a tow truck. He opened the door for Castiel. That caused him to blush slightly but he hope the man didn't notice. 

"I'm Dean by the way" the man got into the truck and stuck out his hand for a hand shake. 

"I'm Castiel" Castiel shook his hand and smiled. 

"Castiel, that's a different name. I like it" Dean smiled back. 

"So Castiel, what do you do?" Dean started to ask. 

"I'm a professor at the university teaching religions" 

"Interesting, so Cas are you religious? Or is it just an interest of yours?" Dean asked trying to make a conversation. 

"I believe in God but other religions interest me. So how long have you been fixing cars?" Castiel asked. 

"Since I was 13, my dad taught me how" Dean told Castiel.

"Is that the Singer part of the garage?" Castiel wondered outloud.

"No, Bobby Singer is my adoptive dad. My biological dad died when I was 15. Hunting accident" Dean didn't mind telling Castiel. There was something about Castiel that made him feel like he could let his walls down. 

The two talked for another ten minutes before they reached Castiel's car. 

"So let's see what's wrong with your baby" Dean said as he opened the hood. Castiel stayed out of Dean's way but admired his body and the way that his shirt was tight on his shoulders but loose around his abdominal region. 

"You need a new fan belt and the radiator is cracked...if you stare any longer you might have to ask me out" Dean threw out in the open. Castiel blushed and looked down. 

"Mmm so how long will it take?" Castiel shyly asked. 

"Well it depends, the date or to fix your car?" Dean smirked at Castiel. "I don't normally do this but you are very attractive, there's something about you. Let me take you out for dinner" Dean added. 

"I would like that" Castiel looked up and smiled softly. 

-Author's Note-

So that's the start of my new story :) what's your thoughts?

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