Chapter 3: Confused

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Chapter 3: Confused

{André's p.o.v.}

Javert gave me one last glare before he vanished out the door.

I waited until I heard the sound of horse hooves before I moved again.

I wandered around the house, deciding I would stay here. Since I had the choice, here or the galleys, I'd much rather be here.

In the house, there was the main living room with a table and two chairs, along with the table that held the cross and the candles and the chair beside it in the corner, as well as a small couch.

There was a bedroom which I presumed to be the Inspector's, furnished with only a bed and bureau.

There was a room with a basin for washing along with a chamber pot, a small cooking area, and then there was another room. It was pretty much empty except for a desk and chair along with a few books on a shelf. I slowly made my way over to the books and glanced at them, sighing when I reminded myself I couldn't read what they said.

I wandered back into the living room and sat down in the corner behind the chair again. Eventually, I slumped to the side and curled up on the wood floor, asleep.

{Javert's p.o.v.}

I returned to my home after I had finished my final sweep of the town.

When I walked inside, I didn't hear a sound. Doing a quick sweep of the house, I thought the little thief... I mean... Andrè... had run off, but I noticed a slight movement over by the chair in the corner of my living room.

Sighing, I walked over and there she was, curled up on the hard wood floor without a pillow or blanket, fast asleep.

I shook my head in amazment. Why would she choose to sleep on the floor when there was a chair and a couch right next to her?

Still slightly confused, I bent down and gingerly picked up the child, carrying her over to the couch and laying her down gently.

From my room, I retrieved a blanket and lay it over her, then I went into my study and sat down at the desk, pulling some paper from a stack in the corner and a quill and ink well from the drawer. I began to write...

Monsieur Le Maire...

((Sorry for the incredibly short chapter! It was a filler, and a necessary evil - I promise they get longer! -Wolf))

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