Chapter 17: The Final Battle

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((Alright guys and gals... Here we go. There's not much to say, so... Here's the next chapter. Please don't kill me, but I would like to know your thoughts once you finish this one... It's one heck of a ride. -Wolf))

Chapter 17: The Final Battle

{André's p.o.v.}

"Cannons!" shouted the guardsman.

"Far right first," called Marius.

"Wait for it... wait for it... Fire!" shouted my brother.

The boys opened fire upon the soldiers, killing many of the ones that were manning the first cannon, but more soldiers simply took their place.

"They're bringing in replacements," warned Marius. "Second cannon, fire!" shouted my brother, as more shots rang out, killing soldiers.

"Take aim!" shouted the guardsman. "Fire!"

The boys ducked, attempting to avoid the bullets. "Take cover boys," shouted the man who had told me to hide.

"Bahorel!" shouted Lesgles, as the student took a bullet to the shoulder. The man caught Bahorel as he collapsed, gasping, and he carried Bahorel away from the barricade. I watched from the tavern, eyes wide, clutching Gavroche's dead body in my arms.

"There's more men! There's more men Enjolras!" shouted Combeferre.

The man silently pressed a rag against Bahorel's wound, putting Bahorel's hand over the rag to keep it in place.

"Cannons ready? Fire!" shouted the national guardsman. The cannons went off, blowing holes in the barricade.

The boys fell back, many covering their heads as debris rained down around them. Marius remained strong at the top of the barricade, as more cannons were rolled forwards.

"Cannons ready... and... fire!"

The cannons went off again, and boys fell to the ground, some with shards of wood protruding from their arms and legs. "Marius!" I shouted, seeing a bit of wood impaled in his shoulder. He waved me off as I let Gavroche's body fall, leaping to my feet as if to go to him. I pressed a light kiss to Gavroche's forehead before running from the tavern. "No!" I shrieked as I saw a student take a shot in the chest and collapse to the ground, dead. I bit my lip, clutching my small pistol tightly in my hand, and dashed across the street to the barricade, looking for Enjolras. "Enjy!" I shrieked.

"Advance!" The shout of the guardsman caught my attention, and I turned my head, eyes wide as I saw the lines of soldiers advancing towards the barricade, bayonets raised.

The boys still at the top of the barricade fired back as best they could, but the soldiers began to climb the barricade, firing ever more.

Marius grabbed a sword from a fallen soldier and slashed at the nearest soldier to him, connecting with his bayonet.

"Lesgles!" I howled, as I saw a soldier gut him from behind with a bayonet. I ran to him as he fell from the top of the barricade to the street below. I pressed my hands to the wound in his chest, attempting to stop the bleeding. Lesgles reached out and put a hand on my cheek. "André," he whispered, the light in his eyes fading. "No, no, no, no, no," I repeated over and over under my breath, his blood now completely covering my hands. "Look at me," I said sternly, putting a bloody hand on his face and shaking his head in an attempt to keep him awake. "C'mon," I whispered. Lesgles smiled sadly, and then his hand slowly fell from my cheek, hitting the street with a thump. "No!" I screamed, tears bursting from my eyes once more. I kissed his forehead, as I had done with Gavroche, and slowly closed his eyes, my hands shaking uncontrollably.

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