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No one's Pov

A beautiful doe eyed boy is sitting next to his newly wed husband watching the luxurious interior of the biggest house in his village in awe.

The interior of this house is as beautiful as seen from the outside and that is the reason that inspired him to become the son-in-law of this house

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The interior of this house is as beautiful as seen from the outside and that is the reason that inspired him to become the son-in-law of this house.

When his parents presented the marriage proposal to him, he immediately agreed. what he knows about marriage is, Priest will ask both of them in the church something like "do you accept" and exchange the rings and then go to the groom's house.

When his parents told him that he was going to marry the hyung in that big house, he decided that this was the perfect opportunity to see the house.

He agreed, knowing nothing about marriage and how married life works.

"Kookie baby" he looked there whe he heard his mother's voice.

"Eommaa " he hopped towards his mother like a rabbit.

Some people around him were looking at this adorable act of his with judgment and some with adoration.

" Immature and rude kid !! doesn't he know how to behave in a quiet and compact manner "

" Kims didn't see anyone else good in this village"

Mrs Jeon heard two women talking. "You are not just a child anymore, you are the son-in-law and wife of this house. So my kookie, you should give up all your mischief and become a responsible son-in-law," Mrs Jeon said. Her voice also shows distress.

"Don't worry eomma, kookie got it." Kookie said with one hand on his chest and one in the air showing off his bunny teeth.

Mrs. Jeon worries about her son's future when she sees his playful nature.

When this marriage proposal came, she and her husband thought that Kookie could get married at the age of 18. But Kims said that marriage should be done immediately. This is the best proposal they can get. That's why they agreed without thinking anything else.

"Son, you should obey everything they say without showing any mischief. You should love the people here more than eomma and appa" Mr Jeon said his eyes glassy with tears. The worried face of her parents made kookie feel pain inside

"bye kookie it's time for us to go" Mrs.Jeon said as she kissed her son's forehead and wiped away her tears.

"Aren't you two going to stay here?" Kookie asked, his doe eyes glistening with tears and his lips parting as if he was about to burst into tears.

"Bye kookie" Mr Jeon said and started to go out.

"don't go APPAA " Jungkook started crying loudly. Everyone in the hall turned their attention to him.

"Koo- kookie you" he said between his sobbings and hugged his mother tightly.

Mrs. Jeon tried to make him understand but her son's condition made her sadder. She too hugged her son and cried.

She have only one son. He will be like a guest to them from now on and all this breaks her heart.

"Please.... eommaa.. I'm coming too" Kookie held her mother tight and kept whispering these words.

"You can't baby, this is your home from now on" Mrs.Jeon said.

One of the traditional customs is that the bride stays at the groom's house till her/his last breath. No one can disobey and ignore those rituals. Those who disobey it will be punished accordingly.

"Jin, bring your son-in-law in. He's embarrassing us all" Mrs. Kim said.

Jin walked over to Jungkook who was silently sitting by the door looking out and crying.

"Come on son let's go in" Jin said with his beautiful smile.

Jungkook looked at the handsome male "eomma, kookie want to go to eomma" Jungkook said crying.

In his 15 years of life he has never been apart from them even for a single day so this separation is unbearable for him.

Jin looked at Jungkook pitifully. He can understand the pain of that 15-year-old. He also went through the same stage once. He had the courage to bear the pain and the maturity to understand the situation.

He realized that this kid didn't have that, maybe the same mischievous kid as his younger son Taehyung, who still needed the affection of his father and mother.Jin felt a pang in his chest as he thought that he is also one of the cause of this child's pain.

" Come in baby, I'm just like your eomma, don't cry," Jin said, then he heard the call

"eomma" and they both looked in the direction his son Taehyung came running to them with an ice cream plushy in hand.

Jungkook looked at the short boy who was standing in front of him with an adorable crazy smile. He has tan skintone, playful aura and tiger eyes. Jungkook noticed, those tigery eyes staring at him.

Jungkook lowered his face.The sadness of being separated from his parents was replaced by a small blush. A slight shade of pink spread across his cheeks. Soon his smile disappeared hearing Jin.

"Taehan, take kook to your room" Jin said looking at Taehan as he heard everyone around him murmuring about his son-in-law.

Immediately Taehan came and he said to Jungkook "come with me". Jungkook went with him. He saw many people looking at him in different ways and he ignored them because he didn't understand the meaning of their looks.

Jungkook turned and looked at the tigery eyed boy who flashed a boxy smile at him.

"Eomma, is that pretty hyungiee going to stay at our house?" Taehyung asked with his wide curious eyes.

"Yes Tae" Jin chuckled seeing his adorable son.

"Yeeaaah" he shouted with joy as if he got the one he loved the most.


I love Jungkook talks in third person.

Jungkook's parents gave him a lot of love and raised him without hurting him in any way because he was an only son.

So he behaves a bit childish.

So he behaves a bit childish

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