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Jungkook woke up from his deep sleep due to the wet feeling on his cheek. When Jungkook opened his eyes, he saw a tiny tiger named Taetae resting his lips on his(kook)  cheek.

Tae stood there like a criminal caught in the crime when Older opened his eyes.

" Koo's cheek attracted me and it looked like a dumpling. Sorry " Taehyung bowed his head, expecting a scloding from the kook. But he raised his head when he heard a chuckle.

" That's okay " Kook said, blushing slightly.

" koo, I came to wake you up. It's already 10 o'clock, come have breakfast "

"I will come" Jungkook said and went to the bathroom for morning routine

After the morning routine, kook entered the room. A smile appeared on kook's face when he saw younger sitting on the bed chewing on his icecream plushy.

"Taetae" Tae heard Kook's call and immediately removed the plushy from his mouth in embarrassment

"Let's go," Kookie said and Tae nodded

When they reached the living room, they saw a crying Jin resting his head on Namjoon's shoulder. Tae ran to his mother.

"Why is eomma crying?" Tae asked.

Immediately they heard another cry and looked in that direction. They were shocked to see Jungkook crying with his hand on his cheek.

"What did you do to my Hanie and why did he leave here" Mrs Kim asked him

"Ko-kookie do-don't know any-anything gra-ndma" Kookie finished the words between his sniffling.

"Don't call me grandma. If you satisty your husband as a wife he wouldn't leave here " Mrs kim slapped kookie again.

"eomma, don't slap him" Namjoon said feeling bad for his son in law

"NAMJOON, I know how to treat someone DON'T TEACH ME" Namjoon flinched at his mother's voice.

"Sorry eomma" Namjoon mumbled

Mr kim called their gardener "Min, put him in the kitchen now his job here is cooking and cleaning"

"I I-m hungry, I wi-will w-ork after e-ating fo-od" Jungkook regrets that he didn't eat dinner before sleeping last night. He wants to fill his tummy.

"Min why are you standing here" Mr. Kim shouted

"Sorry sir" Min grabbed Jungkook's hand and pulled him to the kitchen.

"Please leave me, I want to go home please" Jungkook begged them. No one has ever slapped him and no one has spoken loudly to him. So what happened here was too much for him to bear.

Mrs Kim looked at Tae who was holding Jin and crying "aww, why my cub is crying come to grandma baby"

"No grandma is bad  grandma slap kookie grandma bad" Tae said while crying 

Mrs Kim glared at Jin. Jin picked up Tae and walked to his room

"I regret that I told you to choose your son's bride yourself. It is because of that spoiled child that Hanie left here. Ever since that child came, we have started to be embarrassed. It's because of your wife that our family is experiencing this disgrace in front our relatives and family"  Mr kim said

" I'm sorry appa " Namjoon bowed his head. Mr kim left from there

"Son, father is talking to you because of love for our family. Father can't bear to lose our family's dignity. He is telling you about your mistake so that you don't repeat it again. Don't worry" Mrs Kim consoled her worried son

"I know eomma, appa loves us" Namjoon said and then he left.

Namjoon entered his room. His youngest son was sleeping with his head on Jin's lap. Jin was crying.

"Jin" Namjoon drew Jin's attention to him. After gently putting Tae's head on a pillow, Jin walked over to her husband.

"Joonie, won't our hanie come to us anymore?" Jin asked. Namjoon hugged him tightly.

This morning, they found out that Taehan was not at home and searched the entire village, but did not find him there either. Jin looked in Taehan's room to see if there were any clothes in his closet. For a little hope, to make sure his son doesn't walk away from them. But his hopes were dashed when he saw that none of his clothes were there.

"It's all because of me"

"No Jin, it's not your fault,"

"Joonie, I said I wanted Jungkook for Hanie. But I thought their wedding was after Jungkook turned 18 or I wouldn't have chosen Jungkook." Jin said

"I know Jin. It's all a matter of fate," Namjoon said

' This is because of your evil parents. Why are they still alive and healthy? How I wish I could teach them a lesson' thought Jin

Jungkook is preparing lunch. He is very hungry. He prepares lunch quickly with the aim of eating after preparing lunch. One of his favorite things is cooking. Experimenting with new flavors in cooking is his favorite.

"kookie baby" Jungkook looked over there It was Jin who called him.

Jin came to him. "I bought a donut for you"

Jungkook's eyes lit up when he heard the word donut.

"Thank you eomma, but kookie is working right now," Jungkook pouted

"I'll feed you," Jin said. Then Jungkook happily opened his mouth. Jin started feeding Jungkookie

After feeding Jungkook, Jin helped him with cooking without anyone knowing. If someone sees it, it is a problem for both of them.

Taehyung came into the kitchen and stood next to koo "koo, taetae bought cookies for you." Taetae said proud of what he did.

"Where is the cash for you to buy cookies?" Jin enquired

"When Kookie said he was hungry,  Taetae used his pocket money to buy cookies," Taehyung said proudly.

Jungkook was surprised to see what the younger boy did. Tae spends his pocket money on him, whom he has only known for a day, because he is hungry.


In this story, Namjoon tries to be a better son than a better father and husband.


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