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"Taetae hurry it's school time" Jungkook said. It's a monday morning.

Taehyung went to take a shower. Jungkook prepared breakfast and came to see if Tae was ready. But that tiny tiger was sound asleep. So after a lot of effort, Jungkook woke him up.

Jungkook told Jin that 'I'll take care of sending Taetae to school'. Jungkook's wish is to send others to school instead of going to school. It worked for him today.

TaeTae came out of the bathroom with his uniform pants on and wet hair. Jungkook saw the clumsy tiger and sighed deeply. He took the towel from Tae's hand and started drying Tae's hair. Taehyung stood there enjoying all this.  he discovered his new addiction which is being babied by Jungkook.

"Done. Now put on your uniform and come to the dining room. Let's have breakfast," Jungkook said. He began to return from there

"Koo" Tae called.

"What taetae"

"Kiss" Taehyung asked pointing his cheek. Jungkook chuckled.

Jungkook placed a kiss on Tae's cheek.

Taehyung also kissed Jungkook on the cheek. Jungkook's dumbling cheeks have become Taehyung's main addiction now.

After Taehyung went to school, Jungkook kept busy with the tasks he got.

Jin is sitting in the living room reading a book. After lunch, everyone else is taking a nap. Namjoon is also in the field.

"Hello Jin"

Jin looked at that annoying voice. It is Namjoon's sisters Choi Hye-ra and Park Seo-hyun.

Jin rolled his eyes. "Hai" he greeted in his annoying voice.

"I heard that Taehan ran away," Hyera told him, seeing Jin's annoying expression. Jin remained silent as he expected this.

"I heard he was in love with a girl in town. That's why he left here," Seohyun told her sister.

"Parents should be blamed for this. Don't give birth if you don't know how to raise children," Hyera said

"I don't hear good things about his son-in-law either. He is a spoiled brat. His bad character is the reason why Taehan left," Seohyun said.

"When he gets married, he runs off for someone else and there's no need to wonder even if he already had a baby..."

"ENOUGH.  I KNOW HOW MY SON IS. Your husband is coming back  3 days after going to town. Go and find out if your husband has a wife and an illegitimate child." Hyera and Seohyun gritted their teeth

"More should happen to him," Hyera said angrily.

That's when they noticed Jungkook coming into the living room rubbing his eyes. Hyera smirked.

"Kid, let's go prepare lunch for both of us," Hyera told Jungkook.

Jungkook stood there silently. He worked a lot today. Prepared breakfast and lunch and Mrs Kim told him to clean the big house fully. He did it alone. His body hurts a lot. Jungkook doesn't have the strength to work again.

"JUNGKOOK DIDN'T YOU HEAR WHAT THEY SAID " Mrs Kim snapped at him. Jungkook flinched. He nodded his head and went to the kitchen to prepare lunch for them.

Then Mrs Kim and her daughters started sharing stories. Their daughters live in their own village as their family. So they visit their parents frequently. It's a big headache for Jin.

In kitchen

Jungkook is trying to quickly prepare lunch for them

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Jungkook is trying to quickly prepare lunch for them. He came down to drink water.

Mrs. Kim made him clean the whole house with a small piece of cloth. It took a long time. His body is very sore. Don't know why that granny is always angry with him. His parents said this is his home. But he doesn't like old people in this house.

He was sad about not having grandparents. But now he is happy that he doesn't have grandparents.

Hyera came into the kitchen. She saw Jungkook working. An idea came to her mind. She smirked. She put water in a sauce pan and put it on the stove to heat. She smiled looking at Jungkook.

" hi jungkook, I'm Taehan's aunt hyera. She said. Jungkook smiled at her and said

" hi aunty " and then he  focused on his work.

After making sure the water was well boiled, she took a glass. Jungkook was also focused on cooking something on the stove. Hyera was standing next to him. Instead of pouring the boiling water into the glass, she poured it into Jungkook's hand.

" AAAAHHHHH " jungkook screamed in pain. His lips wobbled, his eyes glistened with tears. He looked at the woman next to him.

"Oh baby, I didn't notice, I'm sorry" Hyera said worried but smiling inside

Jungkook started crying. The boiling water fell on his outer palms and feet.

Hearing Jungkook's cry, the others came to the kitchen.

"What happened?" Mrs. Kim asked

"Eomma, the boiling water slipped from my hand and fell into Jungkook's hand" they heard a gasp. Jin quickly ran to Jungkook.

"Apply antibiotic ointment and then let him continue his work. In cooking, it will get cuts and burns that's not a big thing" Mrs Kim said and then she left the kitchen.

Jin looked at Jungkook.

" hw-hwrts it's pwai-pwaing "  Jungkook was crying  he couldn't bear the pain

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" hw-hwrts it's pwai-pwaing "  Jungkook was crying  he couldn't bear the pain. The pain of the burn and the body pain all together are unbearable for him.

Jungkook's condition made jin weak as well. Jin's eyes filled with tears.

"eomma will kill the pain. don't cry baby" Jin said then he went to get the ointment.

"The pain will go away soon" Jin applied the ointment to Jungkook then kissed his forehead.

Jungkook stood up to continue the rest of the work.

"What are you going to do baby?" Jin asked

"I ha-ve to pr-prepare lun-ch"

"You don't have to do it baby, I'll do it" Jin felt sorry for Jungkook.

“Gran-dma wi-will pu-punish me,” Jungkook sniffled.

"Let's do it together," Jin said and helped jungkook with work



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