Chapter - 26

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Mr&Mrs Jeon's house has been quiet since Jungkook's marriage and he moved to his in-laws' house. But in that silence they had a peace. After they found out that Jungkook was missing, the peace of the people in this house is shattered and the silence here is torturing them day by day.

They know that they are the cause of their son's plight and they agonize over their decision. Mr Jeon goes to the farm, works, comes back home, eats and sleeps, that is his daily routine. His conversation with his wife also decreased.

Mrs Jeon will also do housework, serve food to her husband and eat food only when she feels like it. Just hearing the news that their son is fine is enough to bring back the lost cheer in their lives.

4 months and no news about him. Something inside Mrs Jeon is telling her that something has happened to her son and the negative thinking is starting to increase. She couldn't take it anymore and they burst into tears.

Seeing his wife's sudden burst of crying, Mr. Jeon panicked and immediately held his wife close to his chest and started whispering comforting words in her ear.

"He will come to us soon. Don't cry. I only have you now," Mr. Jeon said as he kissed his wife's forehead.

"Will he come to us? Is it true?" Mrs. Jeon asked looking at her husband with her bambi eyes and Mr. Jeon kissed her forehead again. No matter how many years have passed, his love for his wife has not waned, so her crying still weighs heavily on his heart.

"I guess we came at the wrong time," Jungkook said while giggling.

Mrs. Jeon raised her head from her husband's chest and looked at Jungkook with teary eyes in surprise. She immediately went to her son and cupped his face looking at the smiling bunny.

Mr Jeon also went to his son. "Are you okay? Where have you been these months? " Mr Jeon kept asking...

That's when the Jeon couple saw Jungkook's belly. Both of them looked at their son and tiger who were grinning idiotically. "Mine" Tae said placing his palm on the elder's belly

"Give me water " Mr Jeon said to his wife.


Now everyone is sitting in the living room. "eomma, is eomma mad at me" Jungkook asked seeing their parents' silence.

"No son, why should we be angry with you" Mrs Jeon said

"Because I did something wrong"

"No son, you did not do anything wrong. We did the wrong thing. Your childhood was ruined because of us, your studies stopped, you became like a servant in that house, your husband left you, you were alone in the forest for four months, it was all because of our decision.

In life We thought that marriage is important but no there are other important facts in life apart from marriage and we delayed to realize that because of that you also suffered.We are not even worthy to apologize to you but please forgive us son. "

Mr Jeon tearfully finished his words. Guilt haunts them from the moment they realize that their son is the one who suffered because of their wrong decision

" No appa, those are all things that have passed, if we worry about it, the lost joys will never come back, but the pains of it will only haunt us, I am not angry with you.

It is because of your decision that I got my taetae in my life. Someone who understands me, trusts me, Your decision was a factor in getting someone in my life who loved me more than anything else and I am grateful for that. " Jungkook said smiling slightly.

"When is your wedding?" Mrs Jeon asked

"eomma, I want to marry koo as soon as possible and I need your permission." Tae said

"You need kook's consent, not our permission. He is the one who has to make the decision in his life. If he makes any bad decision, we will try to correct it as parents, but we are only happy in my son's marriage with you. You are destined to be together. You have our blessings always. " Mr Jeon said

"Thank you eomma appa" Jungkook said then he hugged them.


When Namjoon walked into his and his wife's room, he saw his wife Jin lying on the bed crying. A strong pain gripped him inside him. His children have left him and gone away, his wife is heartbroken,  tears welled up in his eyes.

"Jin, I didn't expect you to do this to kookie. You are also a mother of 2 children. You know how he goes through this stage. Even if your intention is based on motherhood, the path you chose is wrong..." Namjoon's words were cut off by an angry Jin.

"Everyone else has the right to blame me, but you don't, Joonie. If you had been a good father to our children in your life, I wouldn't have locked Jungkook up there in that forest. If you had been a good father, Hanie and Tae would be with us today.

But you tried to be a good son. But not a good husband or father. You married me with the promise that you would let me continue my studies. But you didn't keep your word. When I had children, I didn't tell you about it, I accepted my fate.

I thought you would at least be a good father to our children, but you failed there too. Hanie lived according to you and your parents. He didn't ask us for anything. He found happiness in what he got.

The only thing he asked us was to continue his studies. But you opposed his demand because your parents were not interested in it. You forced him into a marriage he was not interested in.

My son begged that he does not want this marriage. But you valued your parents' words more than his tears and pain. He came to me crying and I couldn't help him either. He tried to live this married life without worrying  you, but he couldn't, he left to achieve his dreams.

You didn't understand him, you didn't see the pain I was going through after hanie left us, you didn't understand the fear I felt when I saw tae and kook's closeness,

When you forced him into marriage with Jiho, I was afraid that he would run away with Jungkook. I saw no other way to keep my son with me than to hide Jungkook.

what I did was wrong and unforgivable but what you did to me and my children was also wrong, you don't deserve to blame me. " Jin finished his words.

Namjoon realized the things he had forgotten while fulfilling his duty as a son, the joys his children and his wife missed, the pain his children and his wife felt, he broke down crying, the sound of his heart breaking sobs echoed in the room

"I...I-I'm J-Jin..." He said his words with unshed tears.



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