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' I'll be your wife, that's something even you can't change ' thought Jiho looking at Tae's retreating figure. She slowly walked away from there bearing the pain of her leg.

Tae entered his koo's room. He saw a sheet and a pillow on the floor. "Koo, why are the sheets and pillow on the floor?" Tae asked confused

"You're going to sleep on the floor today" Jungkook said and glared at him

"You're going to sleep on the floor today" Jungkook said and glared at him

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" go, go away " Jungkook got angry thinking about Tae massaging her foot


"Go away and cuddle her " Jungkook said angrily but seeing his face he looked like he was about to cry

"Go away and cuddle her " Jungkook said angrily but seeing his face he looked like he was about to cry

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Taehyung understood that kookie his jealous. He felt a giddy feeling inside him when he saw Kook's jealousy.

"Is Koo jealous" Tae teased.

"kookie is angry" kook scrunched his face showing his anger

When Tae goes to Kook, Elder kicks him and Tae's bum hit the floor harshly

“You're going to lie on the floor,” Jungkook said.

"koo, if I lie on the floor, I will get body pain, if I get body pain, I have to go to the hospital, if I go to the hospital, they will give me an injection, if that is a wrong injection , I will get serious illnesses, if I get serious illnesses, I will die," Tae said with a sad pout. He looked at Jungkook to watch his reaction

"I got angry when you said you would give her a massage, I decided to put you on the floor. Sorry."

"You can sleep with me!" Jungkook said with a gloomy voice and Taehyung eagerly went to lie down next to Jungkook.

"Taehyung, what are you doing in Jungkook's room at late  night" Tae panicked hearing Mr Kim's voice.

"Th-at I-I fo-forgot my book here and came to get it," Tae lied. No one here knows that he is sleeping in Jungkook's room. It will be a problem if they know.

"Go to your room. Don't come to his room at night," Mr. Kim said strictly.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook with a pout. Then he left the room.


Taehyung cursed his grandpa and laid on his bed. Younger can't sleep. He tossed back and forth in bed, trying to sleep.

"Taehyungiee" Tae heard a whisper.

It's his Jungkook's voice. "I couldn't sleep, so I sneaked into your room," Jungkook said and giggled. He laid down next to Taehyung.

Taehyung hurriedly buried his face in Jungkook's neck, inhaling his sweet smell and sighing in satisfaction. Jungkook giggled at the tickling sensation.


"yoongi, is it wrong to fall in love with a married person " Tae asked his friend.

Tae and his friends are eating in the school canteen. His friends coughed at Tae's question.

“It's wrong according to the society,” Yoongi answered calmly.

"What if that person does not love his husband as a husband?"

"Tae, once a person is married, they have no right to love or accept another person," Hobi explained.

His friend's answer hit Tae hard inside. But he doesn't want to accept it. " It is wrong to deny the right of a person to love whomever he likes." He snapped at his friends.

"Tae are you okay" Yoongi asked as he saw Tae's eyes filled with tears. Tae ignored his worried friends' question and left.

"its okay Tae. You can love koo. It's your decision. Don't let anyone stop you from that" Tae reassured himself. But the tears that flowed from his eyes and the pain in his heart did not stop.


Jungkook is sitting in his room reading a comic. He completed all the tasks assigned to him. For him, doing tasks now is not as difficult as it was in the beginning. Mrs. kim doesn't make him do more works.

Every now and then Namjoon's sisters would come and give him hard work. It's happy days for Jungkook since they haven't come for a week.

"Jungkook hyung" Jungkook looked and it was Jiho and he rolled his eyes.

"Why did you come here" kook asked her.

"To spend time with Jungkook hyung. I didn't go to school today. Tae mostly spends time with me when we are at school. He loves me a lot," Jiho said to annoy Jungkook.

"And I'm Iron Man from Cinderella" Jungkook said with a straight face.

Jiho was furious to see Jungkook sitting unbothered. "You know what your relationship with Tae is like. Do you think Tae will always be with you?" Jiho asked.

"Yes. Because Tae is my husband." Jungkook said furrowing his brow.

Jiho was confused. "husband?"

"Yes. Taehyung kissed me. So my husband is Tae." Jungkook answered. Jiho scoffed at him.

"Are you a kindergartner? If he kisses you, he won't be your husband. Marriage is when you go to church and exchange rings in front of people and say vows," she explained.

"Isn't this the ring that Taehan hyung wore to you at church?" Jiho asked pointing to Jungkook's ring. Jungkook nodded with teary eyes. He is sad to hear that Tae won't be with him.

"Taehan hyung is your husband. One day kims will leave you to him. You will be far away from Taehyung. Tae will never be with you."

Each of Jiho's words was echoing in Jungkook's heart. He started crying. His bright eyes dimmed with tears and his lips wobbled

"N-No yo-yo-u're l-l-lying. I-I k-know Tae w-on't lea-ve me. He t-told me he'll al-al-ways be with me" jungkook's voice cracked as he cried hard.

" Ask anyone you want. You will never be together until the end." Jiho left happily seeing Jungkook's condition.

"She's lying. She's lying," Jungkook whispered. He was curled up on the bed and crying

"Taetae wo-won't lea-ve m-me Ta-Taetae is mi-mine " Jungkook harshly wiped his tears



Love you all 💖💖

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