Chapter - 17

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Taehyung and Jungkook have moments of happiness since the Kims aren't home.  They love each other freely.  Without anyone's restrictions and without fear of anyone.

"Tae, I want to love you like this without being afraid of anyone," Jungkook said as he lay in Tae's arms

"One day we will be able to do that koo. Until then we have to wait. Do you agree to love me and be with me until my last moment of life?" Tae asked, holding Jungkook closer in his arms.  Jungkook nodded.

"I agree Tae, to love you till the end. I want to be yours only," Jungkook said.  Tae could see the honesty in those galaxy doe eyes.  He is happy to love such an angel.  His only angel.

Both had lost themselves in their eyes.  Tae's almond eyes are Jungkook's strength and Jungkook's doe eyes are Tae's weakness.  The growing silence increased the tension between them.  The closeness of the body increased their body temperature.  Taehyung asked looking at Jungkook's lips.  "May I kiss you" Jungkook nodded with a pounding heart.

Tae brought his lips closer to Jungkook's.  Tae's arms wrapped around Jungkook's waist and pulled him closer to his body.  Both of them felt their heartbeats increase.  Younger captured Jungkook's lips.

They moved their lips slowly.  Jungkook gripped Tae's shirt in his palm.  Gradually the speed of their kiss increased.  Breaking their kiss Younger Placed Elder under him, then he hovered over him.

Jungkook placed his hand on Tae's nape and invited him in for another kiss.  They started kissing.  Tae was tasting the elder's luscious lips by licking, biting and sucking.  Jungkook moaned loudly as their hard c0cks rubbed together.  Tae stuck his tongue in Jungkook's mouth and kissed him.

After some time both of them broke the kiss to breathe.  Jungkook looked at Tae and that sweaty face intoxicating eyes red lips Tae is a sin that attracts anyone.

"Jungkook, I want to make love with you " Tae whispered while taking a deep breath.

"I'm yours Tae" Jungkook said.

Jungkook agrees to give himself to Tae without any grudges as he knows he is divorced.Yes! He had read it, He read that paper. The joy of he not being anyone's  didn't last long as the otherperson read his divorce papers.  Then they threatened Jungkook and told him to never tell Tae about this.  The seriousness of the threat scared Jungkook and he hid it from Tae.

After kissing Jungkook's forehead, he nuzzled his face into the elder's neck and he kissed and licked it.

His hands traveled inside the elder's shirt.  Tae went to suck Kook's neck and his fingers were gently rubbing the elder's bud.  Jungkook m0aned out loud.  His hands were rubbing Tae's hair encouragingly.  After Tae painted Kook's neck with his hickeys, he looked at the elder.

Kook understood the meaning of that look and made himself n@ked.  Kook was too shy to look at Tae so he avoided Younger's eyes.  Tae also made himself n@ked.  He cupped kook's face and pecked Elder's lips and said "You are beautiful koo. Stop me when you feel uncomfortable. Do you want to continue this koo?"Tae asked worriedly. He doesn't want to force his koo.Jungkook felt very happy that Tae asked for his consent.  He nodded his head approvingly.

Tae placed his lips on the elder's bud and his hands went to the elder's hole and gently caressed it.  "mmmhhh Tae" Jungkook closed his eyes and tilted his head back.  Tae started sucking Jungkook's bud hard.  His fingers were traveling inside the elder's hole.  Jungkook gripped the bed sheet and m0aned loudly.  Tae removed his lips from his bud and captured the elder's lips preparing Jungkook.  After a while Tae placed his hard d!ck in the elder's hole.  He began to enter slowly.

(A/N - Byebye )


It's morning.  Their bodies are still connected.  Both are lying together as one body under a blanket.

"Good morning koo" Tae said kissing Jungkook's forehead.  Jungkook looked up at Tae's face with his tomato face and said "Good morning Taetae" A shy smile played on Elder's lips.

Tae slowly started to remove his d!ck from elder without hurting the elder.  Younger  took kook in bridal style.  "I'll give you a bath" Tae said as a shy bunny shook his coconut head.

After they finished bathing, Jungkook was placed on the bed by Taehyung himself. "Koo, are you still in pain?" Tae asked worriedly.  Jungkook pouted and nodded his head.

"You are my queen. I will fulfill all the orders of my queen today. Tell the servant what your highness wants for breakfast" Taehyung said bending 90°.  Jungkook giggled at Taehyung's behavior but he cooperated in the game.

Tae was attracted to Jungkook's smile.  He wished he could always keep the same happy glow on Jungkook's face.

"I want something spicy. Tteokbokki and rolled omelet " Jungkook said.

"Queen, I don't know how to cook, so I'm begging you to give me some more time to watch the YouTube tutorial and cook" Jungkook laughed out loud seeing Taehyung's dull eyes and pouty lips.

"The Queen has granted the servant's request".

"Long live Queen Koo, long live Queen Koo." Taehyung said that and left.

2 Half an hour later, Tae was not appeared in room with breakfast.  Jungkook was getting hungry.  He decided to go check on Tae in the kitchen.  That's when Tae enters the room with breakfast.

"I'm sorry Queen Koo, I didn't cook it right at first and it got burnt. That's why I'm late," Tae said.

"This is your first time cooking so I accept your apology. Come feed the queen." Jungkook said using his strict voice with puppy eyes.

Tae soon sat down next to Koo and fed him.  Jungkook chewed the food and tasted it.  He said looking at Taehyung's nervous face.  " It's edible and tasty." Jungkook said.  Tae started bouncing his bum on the bed, displaying his boxy smile with joy.


Jungkook being intimate with Tae without knowing that he is divorced is equal to cheating. Jungkook knows that he is divorced.

I'm very very ver bad at writing that thing.  I'm sorry.

Babies are happy not knowing what is coming for them.


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