Chapter - 24

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More tears were flowing from Jungkook's eyes as he saw his Taetae and all the burdens on his mind were replaced with a comfortable and relieved feeling. Kook wants to hug Tae out of happiness but he puts it off for later as the excruciating pain is killing him inch by inch.

"Stupid Taetae, take me to the hospital" Jungkook said looking at Tae who was smiling idiotically at his swollen belly.

When he saw Jungkook's swollen belly, he forgot everything and the pains he felt not knowing where kook was. An overwhelming feeling came over him, along with a guilty feeling.

He was thinking about his unborn child and making some decisions in his mind when he heard Jungkook's voice shattering Tae's imagination.

"I'm sorry kook I was thinking about our baby" Tae said as he picked up Jungkook bridal style and quickly walked outside.

Tae knows the easy way out of the forest and he quickly walks that way. Kook's incessant crying made Tae panic.

"We will get to the hospital soon," Tae said to Kook, trying to comfort him.

• Time skip •

"Doctor, how are Jungkook and baby doing" Taehyung asked with teary eyes. Jungkook's screams of pain only increased the pain inside him. Only the news that both of them are okay quenches the fire inside him.

"Don't worry, both of them are okay. No major injuries. But you have to tell him to be more careful next time. You have to bring him every month for check up and give him the pills correctly. Jungkook is very weak, you have to give him more healthy food and make him fit enough to have a safe delivery " Tae was nodding his head listening to the doctor's words carefully.

The doctor finished his words and left. Tae stood there motionless for a while, guilt and worry welling up inside him.

He put his thoughts aside for the moment and walked over to Jungkook. He sat in the chair next to Jungkook's bed. He glanced down at Jungkook's lean body.

His eyes filled with tears and a strong pang of despair rippled through his heart. He would understand how much Jungkook had spent these 4 months waiting for him in that small house.

Tears fell from his eyes as Tae realized how much pain Kook went through carrying his baby in his womb.

Jungkook had been watching Taehyung since Taehyung sat down next to him. Kook expected Tae to hug and express his happiness, but now here Tae is crying.

"Taetae" Tae burst into tears hearing Jungkook's soft voice.

"I-I'm sor-ry K-koo..., l..I'm a lo-loser. I'm t-the reason yo-u're.... in so much p-pain, I-I di..dn't find you in-instead I w-as cr-ying.... like an i-idiot in a locked I-I should...'ve found you e-arlier. Then you and our b-baby wouldn't be in so much p...pain" Tae cried hard. When he saw Kook's condition, he blamed himself.

Kook's heart sank as he saw the state of his taetae and his doe eyes glistened with tears.

"You didn't know Tae. If you knew where I was, you would have come to me earlier. Me and our baby are lucky that you found us now. You are the best dad. Don't cry, our baby doesn't like his appa crying" Jungkook's words were comforted Tae like a magic.

Taehyung sniffled and looked at Kook with his big tear-stained eyes, wiping away his tears and putting a pout on his lips.

Kook cooed inside seeing his grown baby Taetae. He sat up straight on the bed and spread his arms and then he invited Tae into his arms.

"Come my big baby" Tae immediately hugged kook and buried his face in koo's pillowy chest. Kook kissed Tae's fluffy hair and gently ran his fingers through his hair.

"I missed you koo" Tae raised his face and looked at Kook with his vulnerable eyes.

"I missed you too Taetae" he said losing himself in Tae's eyes...

Tae was also looking into his koo's doe eyes, those eyes he had longed to see all these months. He cupped kook's face and pressed his lips to kook's.

Kook closed his eyes. Tears were flowing from both of their eyes. They kept their lips pressed together without moving, then Tae started to move his lips on the elder's lower lips. Gripping the younger's hair in his fist, Kook moved his lips.

After a while, both of them pulled back from the kiss.

"koo, how did you get to that forest and who locked you in that house" Tae asked

Kook panics and doesn't know if he can tell Tae that. He will cause the relationship between Tae and that person to fall apart because he knows how much he means to Tae.

"Leave it Taetae, now that I'm here why are you looking for it" Koo said hiding his inner tension. But Tae was never satisfied with kook's answer.

"koo I asked WHO is that" Tae asked again his voice lost the softness but he tried to ask in a way that didn't scare Koo.

Kook on the other hand was a little scared because of the difference in Tae's voice. He debated whether or not to say who it was.

"Tae, let's move to that house you bought. Let's not worry about anyone else, you, me and our baby. Let's live happily in our house without bothering anyone else," he tried to distract Tae.

"Jungkook" Tae called him in his deep voice. Tae's voice and that intimate look scared Kook and he gulped.

" Jin eomma "


This story is just my imagination so don't hate the real person depicted in this story.

Sorry for the short chapter 🥲


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