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Updating after many days/months.

The last chapter ended with the Kims standing in front of Tae's house and Tae seeing them.

Ignore mistakes


Not seeing Tae come back into the house, Kook walked up to him to see what was going on. Jungkook froze, the events he wanted to forget flashed infront of him when he saw Kims tears welled up in his eyes and he held Tae tightly, fear started to rise inside him when he saw Jin.

Sensing that Jungkook was shaking with fear, Taehyung wrapped his arm around his waist and held him close, suppressing the emotions that were raging inside him and said looking at them.

"What do you want?" There was no sweetness in his voice.

Jungkook was scared to see Jin, but he felt a little sad seeing the Kims standing outside his house with their heads bowed, even though they hurt him, his humanity doesn't allow him to be cruel to them.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath then came in front of them and said "come in"

knowing by his body language that Taehyung was going to stop them, Jungkook grabbed Tae's hands and squeezed Tae understood what Jungkook meant and he let them in.

Kims looked at Taehyung and he was standing blank faced. They walked in the house with heavy hearts and pangs of guilt. Jin couldn't look at his son's face and Jungkook's face. It was only when his son left him that he realized the depth of his evil deeds

They sat on the sofa in the living room. Taekook stood in front of them. Mr Kim decided to answer the two pairs of eyes staring at him for an answer. "We came to call you back home." Mr kim said, silence was the first response, soon after Tae broke the silence, he still had an unquenchable anger towards them inside, he suppressed it all and replied,

"We have no decision to come to that house, you can go."

"I realized that what I did was an unforgivable mistake. But why are you punishing them?Look at your father, he is very sad, you should come back home for him at least " Jin said. His eyes shed tears like a perennial fountain.

Tae's mother's tears used to cause a great pang of pain inside him, and he still does a small amount of pain because no matter what he does, it is his mother's tears that weigh him down inside him, but now he is helpless in front of those tears. When he sees his mother, Kook's plight comes before him, which makes him hate his mother.

Taehyung chuckled "Father. Did he ever love us that way. He fed us, clothed us, gave us an education but as a father he never gave us affection, never gave us love, never comforted us when we cried, never asked us what we wanted. Appa forgets or abandons being a father to fulfill the duty of being a good son "

Namjoon had no words for Tae's accusation. Because it's not just accusations it's the reality that he was doing very little as a father to his children. Sometimes it could be due to his excessive love for his father or his busy work. He wishes that he could come back to the moments he lost, to correct himself, to love his children, but now that is just an imagination.

Tae's reply silenced Jin as well. He sat there with his head bowed, not knowing what to say.

Mr. Kim decided to speak" Tae, we apologize for the mistakes we have made. I am the root cause of all the problems in our house now. I apologize to you for that. But you must come back to our house. I also called Taehan to come back to our house. We have to bring back that caress, love and unity that we have lost in our family "

kims looked at Tae hopefully for his approval. Jungkook's attention also turned to Tae to know his decision. For Jungkook, everything is Tae's decision now. Because he doesn't want to separate Tae from his family. Also, he doesn't want to go to that house, but Tae's decision is something he will agree to. Because Tae and his happiness is more important to him than other people and himself.

"I don't want to come back to that house. This house is my dream.It's my wish to live in this house with my koo and baby. You can go back. We are not coming back to that house." Tae said his decision.

The kims leave their house disappointed, carrying the guilt of what they have done. They hope Tae's anger towards them will die someday, and they would get a chance to give Jungkook the respect and love they didn't give him.

Jungkook understood Tae's pain, frustration and sadness behind his blank face. Jungkook bowed his head and tears filled his eyes as he thought if he had caused this family to fall apart.

When he saw Jungkook's face, Tae realized what his bunny was thinking in that brain, He said holding Jungkook close to him and kissing his head.

"You are not the cause of any of this. Before all these events happened, I decided to have a house of my own, with only you and me, to fill our happiness, to create new beautiful moments, to call our world," Tae displayed his boxy smile.

"They are another reason why I don't go back there now. I feel so distant with them now that it makes me uncomfortable around them," Tae expressed his thoughts.

"I hope everything goes well" Jungkook said then he moved his face closer to Tae's chest.


After 2 months. (Jungkook is now 9 months pregnant)

"This p0ison will not take one's life quickly. It will make the last moments of life very painful. We wish our lives would be gone quickly. If we take this poison, there is no escape. I will make Jungkook take this poison. He and his unborn baby will d!e in agony in front of Tae. I want to see Tae's heart breaking cry" Jiho told his father.

(Jiho is Tae's ex-fiance)



I come to every update and tell excuses for not updating, I am ashamed of myself for that. Please forgive me. I am going through a tough phase right now which is why I am late to update. Trying to find a job in 1 year but I'm unlucky so I didn't get it. But I am still searching without losing hope.

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