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Everyone at Kims house is busy today. The house is elegantly decorated and filled with villagers. The house is full of noise with everyone's laughter and chatter.

"Jin go tell your son to get ready " Mrs Kim said to her son in law

"I'm leaving eomma" Jin quickly walked to his son's room. He opened the door and entered  in Tae's room. Tae had his friends with him.

"Tae quickly put on those new clothes and come downstairs it's time to start the function" Jin told his son and then he walked out. Jimin closed the door after Jin went out,

"Tae, what are you going to do next?" Jimin asked pitifully looking at Tae.

"This engagement will never happen. I will spend this night in the forest." Tae said with a straight face.

"Jungkook is with his husband so why are you ruining your life thinking about him. Just forget him and move on Tae" Yoongi said he felt bad that his friend ruining his life for Kook.

Yoongi's words made Tae angry and his eyes turned red with anger.

His Jungkook would never hurt anyone. He is not a bad person. "Stop yoongi, I know that Jungkook will never cheat on me. I won't ruin my life Jungkook will come back to my life" Tae said controlling his anger.

"But Tae..."

"Yoonie, Tae is telling the truth. I know Jungkook since my childhood and he wouldn't do that. I saw the love he had for Tae too" Jimin's eyes filled with tears as he thought of Jungkook. Just like Tae and Kook's parents, Jimin is another person who is hurt when Jungkook is missing.

"What should we do for you Tae" Hoseok asked .

"I want to get out of here without being seen," Tae replied.

"Tae I will support you in your decision but let me ask you one thing. Why didn't you stop this engagement using another method?" Yoongi asked.

"The reason I kept quiet about this engagement until today is because I want to see Jiho and her family and my grandparents humiliated in front of and all the villagers," Tae said.

"But Tae how can you see that, you won't be here" Yoongi asked again, completely confused.

" aaah yoonie I will take the video and show it to Tae when he comes. okay " Jimin was frustrated

"Tae, you change this clothes and wear another dress and put on that mask and hat. Let's hurry. If it's too late, you won't be able to get out of here," Hobi said. The three left Tae alone in the room and went out.


Dressed up beautifully, Jiho entered the Kims home with her family. Today she is going to get the result of her years of waiting. The smile on her face brightens her beauty.

The engagement is held in the garden of Kim's house. The garden area is large. It is beautifully decorated with flowers and fairy lights.

Seeing them, the Kims happily welcomed Jiho and her family.

"Jin, you go and get Tae here" said Mr Kim. Jin also happily went to his son's room

"You are so beautiful Jiho. Tae is lucky to have a beauty like you" Mrs Kim said.

"Thank you grandma" Jiho said with a shy smile.

They then started chatting. After some time, all those happy moments were shattered when they saw Jin coming, sweating and trembling.

Namjoon looked at his wife and asked "what happened Jin and where is Tae"

In response they heard Jin's loud cry "I-I d...on't k-know... Jo...onie I-I've.... looked ev-everywhere... and he's now-here to be f-found" Jin said with his trembling voice.

The news shocked everyone. Some of the villagers started laughing at them, some accused them and made fun of them. The loud laughs of the villagers struck Kim's and Jiho's family like a thunderbolt of humiliation.

"GO AND FIND OUT WHERE HE IS " Mr Kim shouted angrily

Namjoon, Jin and the servants at Kim's house went in different directions and started looking for Tae.

Jiho lowered her head in shame. Tears were falling from her eyes. She thought that since Jungkook was not there, there were no other obstacles for her and Tae's marriage. But Tae's actions made her more angry with them than hurt. Her face reflects anger but tears keep coming from her eyes.


Jungkook opened his eyes. He slowly got up from the small bed and went to use the washroom. His chubby cheeks were gone. Colorbones became more visible. The blank face makes his appearance even more pitiful. His current goal is to deliver his baby safely. Although he eats properly, his lack of mental happiness makes him weak.

He came out of the washroom. He started walking towards his bed, taking each slow step. But he did not see water on the ground.

He put his foot in the water and he slipped and his back hit the ground harshly.. "AAAAHHH" he cried out loud. He started feeling intense pain in his body. Hearing his voice, the guard outside opened the door and came inside.

Kook fell on the ground and was crying then he said "I will go and inform sir".

"Pl....ease t..ake me t-to the.. hos-pital.... I-I c.. can't lo-se baby" he finished his words suffering from extreme back pain and abdominal pain.

"I don't have the authority to take you anywhere, I'm sorry," he said, leaving Kook alone, who was writhing in pain, and headed out towards his master.


Taehyung walked towards the meadow in the forest where he and his kook were spending their time. That place will always calm his heart. When he reached his destination, he heard a faint sound in his ears. His eyes turned to that area.

Tae saw a light through the paths full of trees and realized that it was a house and walked towards that house. As he got closer to the house, the voice became clearer.

Tae realized that the voice belonged to the person he loved the most and ran towards the house with a fast beating heart. He reached the house and he went inside and saw a very unpleasant and painful sight. His eyes longed to see the person who was his kook, lying on the ground with a thin body and a swollen belly, crying hardly.


These days I started baking so I got busy with that and that's why I can't give regular updates.

I'm soo sorry everyone.


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