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the bar was quite square, filled with marines as they chat and ate. the dullness of the place becoming quite colorful as a younger boy with a red vest walked in with another younger boy.

keiko sat in shadowed corner of the place, observing the younger two. specifically the one in the straw hat, captivated by his aura.

"more ma'am?" keiko glanced up at the woman, offering a small nod as she handed her another beer. uttering a small thank you as she went back to watching the boy.

she overheard the conversation of theirs. how they, more so straw hat boy, wanted to break into the marine base to steal the map of the grand line.

they were absolutely insane, but keiko was intrigued.

suddenly, the wooden door of the establishment opened. keiko's brows raising as she noticed the familiar green haired man enter. heads turning as he dragged in a head in a bag.

she watched as he placed the dead man on the stool next to himself, a woman glancing between him and the body.

"a bottle for me, and one for my friend. he's had a rough day."

keiko let out a scoff of a laugh as she drank from her beer.

the last time she had seen the boy, well now man, was when they were kids. she had heard of his reputation along her own journey, expecting to one day run into him again. not expecting it to be within a bar, perhaps combat.

zoro had yet to see her, and keiko was unsure if she wanted it to stay that way or not.

a young girl caught her attention as she peered around the counter, giggling at zoro. the man watching the girl with a dull expression as she ran away, only to reappear again with a plate of two rice balls.

"what's this?" he questioned, despite clearly recognizing the food.

"rice balls. for you!" she answered.

"you made them yourself?" she nodded. "what's the brown stuff?"

"chocolate. it makes everything taste better." keiko could see the girls smile, finding it a tad adorable.

"rika!" a woman called, keiko glancing over to assume it was her mother.

the girl turned around, bumping into a suited man with long blonde hair. the little girl becoming quite scared as he scolded her.

"you stupid, stupid girl!" the man yelled, smushing a rice ball on the ground with his shoe. it caught the attention of everyone, including the boy in the red vest.

"why don't you watch where you're going?"

"rika, apologize to our guest." the woman said from behind the counter. rika stumbling around her words as she apologized to the man. the blonde haired man mocking her apology.

"you dropped my food." zoro said so nonchalantly.

keiko watched as zoro bent down to grab a bite, him complimenting rika in his own attempt to cheer her up. picking up the plate he sat it on the counter as he looked the blonde main dead in the eyes.

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