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not edited !

- long chapter ahead
- as requested there is smut
in this chapter, this is your
warning. (also my first time
writing smut, probs cringe i beg
you go easy on me or ill literally
scream, cry and throw up from
embarrassment lol. <3

zoro and keiko were the first ones back on the ship, the others deciding to spend the night in the village. sanji stayed behind to clean up, nami spent a little more time with her sister and soaking in her home before leaving, usopp was.. well usopp, and luffy decided to relax and stuff his face with tangerines.

keiko stood in the middle of the room she shared with zoro. she had given her space up to sanji, letting the blonde man have his own area. her arms struggled as she tried to unzip the back of her black crop top.

zoro heard the girls grunts of frustration from down the hallway. sneaking up and leaning against the door frame as he amusingly watched her struggles.

"are you gonna stand there or help me?"

he hadn't thought she knew he was there, her back to him the entire time. zoro should have known better than to think he could sneak up on the assassin.

zoro sauntered over to her, his hands coming up to unzip the top slowly. letting his eyes soak in the skin under the fabric. her bare back on full display as she clutched the material to the front of her chest, not letting it fall just yet.

they stood there for a second, nothing but the sound of the sea filling the room. goosebumps spreading on every inch of her body as if she was infected the second his hand trailed the naked skin of her shoulder.

her breath caught in her throat when she felt a pair of soft lips leave a trail of pecks on her shoulder, traveling up to the crook of her neck. a weak moan escaping as he found the spot that drove her the most crazy, right under her earlobe. her knees wanting to give out right then and there, but she was too stubborn to fully let go yet.

keiko tried to keep the playing field equal, not letting him have complete control over her. she spun around in his grasp, their chests pressed together as he held her closer by her hips. her skin on fire from the hands on her bare waist.

"thanks." her voice was angelic, trying to sound innocent as she pulled away from him. she wanted him to chase after her.

zoro pulled keiko back into him, she didn't even escape his grasp. he grew annoyed at her trying to get away. he knew exactly what kinda of game she was playing, only he could play it better.

"why are you playing hard to get, mmh?" he asked lowly. his voice was deep, almost identical to his raspy morning voice. it made her weak, her thighs clenching as she attempted to give herself some kind of pressure.

"i don't know what you're talking about." she looked up at him, a pout on her lips as she egged him on. their gaze tied as he brought his thumb up to swipe across her bottom lip. her eyes closed, head rolling back a bit as she bathed in his touch. an evil smirk growing on his face as he let her go. her eyes snapped open, seeing his back to her as she clutched the fabric she was still holding, the sleeves had fallen down a bit, her cleavage on display.

"where are you going?" she whined. mentally cursing herself when she realized her action. she'd already given in to him, finding herself chasing him instead. she couldn't help it. she could flirt all day, but when it came to the real deal, she'd fold every time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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