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not edited !
long chapter ahead

explosions were set off around arlong's compound. dust collecting in the air as his men began yelling and groaning from the sudden attack. luffy kicked open the tall wooden gate, the rest of the crew marching behind him as they entered the territory.

keiko stood beside usopp winking at the boy who still had a nervous expression. usopp's face turning cold seeing keiko give him a confidence boost, his posture stiffening as he stood tall and ready to attack. he wanted to be brave, and brave he shall be.

"fishmen! stand by to repel boarders!"

zoro unsheathed his white sword, sanji cracking his neck as he slid his leg back in a stance, and usopp stretched his slingshot back ready to fire. sanji side eyed the red haired girl as he heard her unsheathe a sword from her back as she held a dagger in her left hand.

"a sword?" sanji questioned amused.

"i like spicing things up too, you know." she retorted, the blonde man smirking. both of them behind zoro and oblivious to the eye roll he gave them.

"where's arlong?" luffy asked.

"hes probably in the map room." nami answered.

"then what's where we're going."

nami led the way for luffy, the fishmen letting out a roar as they charged the remaining four of the crew. they all ran into the crowd in different ways. keiko running in further than the boys, wanting to fight in the heart of the crowd.

a fish man lunged at her, her body ducking as she sliced the flesh right above both of his knees. another man coming behind her as she spun around and drove the dagger in her left hand right into his neck.

keiko ran down the path by the pond, swinging her arm as she took out three more men in a row with her sword. her attention held by the man in front of her and not seeing another fish man charging from the side. though, sanji saw, the blonde man running over as he kicked the man into the hut across the yard.

"thanks." keiko yelled.

"course, darling." sanji yelled out as he ran off.

four more men charged her from the distance, her eyebrows furrowing as she saw them nearing her. keiko tucked her dagger away, then reaching for the second sword on her back.

"time for real fun." she gritted to herself, a scream following her words as she charged at the men.

she held her own despite being out numbered for a while, cutting two of them both on the chest, before one of the remaining fish men kicked her right in her kidney. her body falling to the ground as he kicked a sword out of her hand.

"such a weak girl." one sneered at her, as he held her arm that still possessed a katana to the ground with his foot. her hand turning red from the pressure, her face wincing in pain. she noticed the other fish man left, thinking this guy in front of her had her cornered and could finish her. he was wrong.

keiko watched as the fish man lowered himself to her, he had picked up her other sword and held it to her neck. once he was close enough, she spat in his face. the man stumbling back and dropping the sword from the intrusion of her saliva in his eye.

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