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keiko crept out of the room she was given. she couldn't sleep, especially not in such a lavish house. it made her anxious, the bed too soft that it swallowed her right in.

instead, she wandered through the hallways of the home. treating it as a museum of some sort as she admired the different knickknacks and art from kaya's parents.

"hey, zoro!" her head turned in the direction of the hallway the noise came from. seeing the two boys standing together as zoro whispered to him to stop being so loud.

"keiko!" luffy whispered now, seeing the girl join them. zoro's brows knitted from the youngest being so, luffy. the three of them venturing together down the dusk, creepy halls of the home.

"do you both always carry those swords with you?" luffy asked.

"wherever i go, the wado ichimonji goes." keiko rolled her eyes at zoro.

"you'd think he gave birth to those swords." luffy laughed at keiko's comment. his face widening as he had a new thought pop into his head.

"where were you going anyways?" he asked zoro.

"i'm looking for a drink."

"to find alcohol." keiko answered for him at the same time.

"how about you?" zoro ignored keiko.

"midnight snack."

"food." keiko said once again at the same time. the boys giving her a small judging look, her head tilting to the side.

"what? i'm observant."

"come on." luffy said, moving to the middle of them. his arms draped over their shoulders as he looked at both of them.

"we'll follow my nose to the kitchen." he took off, following the scent of food down the dark hallway. the two following after the boy.

luffy's nose was never wrong when it came to food, finding the kitchen quite quickly. the three of them finding usopp sitting at a table in the kitchen.

"couldn't sleep either?" luffy asked the boat boy.

"not after that dinner."

"i hope i didn't get you in trouble with kaya. sometimes i get carried away."

"sometimes." keiko's voice sang to herself. zoro hearing it, the corner of his mouth lifting.

"oh, no. it was worth it. seeing that look on klahadore's face." he laughed. "i thought his head was going to explode."

keiko saw zoro start opening cabinets, searching for his precious alcohol. the girl smirking at his behavior as she listened on to the boys.

"all that stuff true that you said? about the clown and the axe hand guy?"

"every word." keiko answered, usopp looking over to the girl. his smiled growing.

"i mean, they're not as exciting as your adventures." luffy told him, usopp sighing a bit.

"uh, yeah. and the one piece, are you really going for it?" he looked between the girl and boy.

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