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it had been a few hours since zeff cleaned zoro up. keiko's head resting against zoro's side as she stared up at the man. the sound of a knock against the door came across the room causing her to sit up.

in walked sanji, his hands in his pockets as luffy and usopp followed behind him. they had been worried about her, and zoro of course, and wanted to check on them both.

"hi keiko." luffy greeted.

"hi luffy." she replied to him. the boy coming over and standing behind her. usopp stood at the head of the bed, sanji to the left of her as he placed a hand on the girls shoulder.

"i made some magnificent salmon out there, you should come try some." he said to the girl, keiko shaking her head.

"i'm not hungry." she mumbled.

"you have to take care of yourself too, darling." sanji spoke, squeezing her shoulder a little. "how about the boys watch over him while you get some energy back in you too, yeah?"

keiko tried to fight against it again but she knew sanji was right. she looked between usopp and luffy, the boys giving her assuring nods.

"okay." she said standing up and giving her seat to luffy. "you'll call for me if he wakes up?"

"of course." luffy told her.

keiko followed sanji back to the kitchen, seeing a plate already prepared for her. the boys knowing they'd somehow get her to come out of the room. she sat at the counter and began taking a few bites, not denying the man's heavenly food.

"how long have you been together?" sanji asked, keiko's eyes opening wide as she finished chewing her food.

"huh? me and zoro? oh. we're— we're not together."

"i don't believe that for a second." sanji chuckled at her.

"i guess is complicated.."

"complicated how?"

"we don't exactly talk about our feelings." she answered him.

"well maybe you should." sanji reasoned.

"who knows if he'll ever wake up to make that a reality."

"i'm no blind fish, love. that green haired fellow cares too deeply to leave you and the others behind. he'll wake up." sanji grinned at her, keiko smiling back.

"thank you."

"for?" sanji questioned.

"making me eat. making the food too. and talking to me."

"of course, darling."

"luffy!" nami barged into the ship, sanji and keiko looking at her as she came into the kitchen. "luffy!!"

"what's going on?" keiko asked concerned. nami was panicking, she hadn't seen her panic like this before.

"the arlong pirates are at the baratie. we have to leave now." she told them as everyone stood in the kitchen.

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