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zoro offered keiko a hand as he helped pull her out of the well. her body almost falling to the ground but the boy supporting her, keeping her standing. the climb taking a lot out of the both of them, but they knew more was in store for them. they had to save their crew.

- you okay?

her body standing on her own now as she wiped her hands on her black pants, keiko nodding at zoro. the two of them stood for a second collecting themselves before hearing the sound of someone sick in the distance.

zoro led the way as they walked on the side of a path, seeing a group of marines surround luffy in the distance. the rubber boy leaned over a pool of bright blue on the ground.

"wanna have some fun?"

"you know it."

they quietly ran up behind the group of marines and attacked them behind. zoro taking out three on his own and keiko two. her elbow connecting with the temple of one marines head knocking him out, the other earning the fate of a stab wound right above his knee cap.

helmeppo and koby directing their attention to the two fighters after hearing the grunts of their men.

"hey haircut." zoro said to the blonde man as they inched closer.

"keiko! zoro!" luffy greeted, the boy still on the ground.

"wanna do the honors?" zoro asked keiko, the girl looking at him amused. her right fist balling as she swung at the blonde man, connecting her fist to the side of his face. helmeppo collapsing to the ground unconscious.

luffy stood up, his stapled grin on his face as he looked between the two. "how'd you know where to find me?"

"we didn't." keiko told him. "we heard you."

luffy took off back towards the house to save kaya and the others, keiko and zoro following him.

"hold it right there!" koby called out. "by order of the marines, im placing you under arrest."

"with what men?" keiko scoffed.

"koby, i know you've got a job to do, but im gonna go back and help my friends. so don't try to stop me." luffy warned. koby nodded, intimidated by the boys seriousness.

"lead the way, captain." luffy nodded at keiko. the marine watching as he led the three of them running back towards the house.

once they ran back to the entrance, zoro pulled up the gate to the front door. luffy helping prop it up with a vase from the yard. the three of them crawling under and into the foyer.

"i'll find kuro, you two find the cats." zoro and keiko nodding as luffy ran up the stairs. zoro taking out his black band and tying it around his head.

suddenly the floor creaked, keiko watching as buchi entered the room with two large blades. sham dropping from the stairs as she landed in front of keiko and hissed.

zoro and buchi had began fighting, sham still stalking keiko as they traveled in a circle. keiko studying the woman for a second, noticing the sword in her hand.

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