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"dinners served." sanji told them as he placed a few bowls down. nami's sister digging into hers as she moaned from the delightful taste.

"told you." usopp sang.

"you know this is the best thing i've eaten in my entire life." nojiko said to them, more so keiko as she stared at the girl. finding it easier talking to another woman. keiko grinning at the girl.

"listen. there's plenty more where that came from, but first we really need to know about nami." sanji pushed the girl. keiko noticing her head dropping as she took a deep breath.

nojiko told them about how arlong raided the island that day. how her mother hid them under the floor to protect them. how a fearless nami busted through the floor board to defend her mother when arlong grabbed her. keiko's heart cracking as she listened to nojiko tell them how her mother sacrificed herself for her daughters.

keiko reached her hand out, caressing nojiko's shoulders, the girl emotional from reliving the memory. she thought of if that were her and kuina, how her older sister was just like nami and would have stuck up for all of them. how her heart too, would break if she saw her sister working for her mothers murderer.

"wait. nami's working for the pirate that killed your mother?" usopp asked, nojiko softly nodding. luffy slowly stood up, his expression filled with rage as he walked out of the home. zoro following behind the younger boy to check on him.

"i take it nami didn't tell you everything about our mom?" nojiko questioned, seeing the woman's expression just like the boys. keiko taking a deep breath as she answered the girl.

"no, she had— i had asked her how she became so great with maps. she told me her mother was also a navigator." nojiko nodding at the girl. "i knew from that word she had passed, but didn't push for how."

"nami probably wouldn't have said if you asked anyways."

"probably so." the girls sat in a silence as sanji began cleaning up and usopp playing around with his slingshot.

"you remind me a lot of myself, nojiko." keiko told the blue haired girl, keiko's hand coming down from her shoulder to hold hers. "the baby sister who was always looked out for being abandoned, having to toughened up on our own."

"you have a sister too?"

she gave nojiko a small smile. "she's passed." the blue haired girl placing a hand on keiko's as they sat in a weird but comforting silence. their stories were very different, but somehow they still could connect to each other.

"sisters are.. complicated. huh?" nojiko asked her, keiko nodding.

"very much so."

keiko and nojiko shared a look as the clown head broke up their bonding session and started terrorizing usopp from his craft time. nojiko looking at the red haired girl patting a hand over keiko's.

"on that note, i'm gonna go get some air." she stood as she let go of keiko's hand, giving the girl smile. "and as awkward as this talk was, it was still comforting. thank you."

"can you just be quiet?" keiko heard usopp ask buggy.

"aw, come on. where's the fun in that? do you really think your little toys can get through the skin of a fish man?" keiko observed as usopp tinkered with a ball.

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