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keiko trailed her hands down the wall of clothes, stopping once she saw a strapless long evergreen silk dress. picking it off the hanger and walking behind an shade on the opposite side of the room. the other occupied by nami as they both tried on clothes.

"why would anyone need this many clothes?" luffy asked. his body sprawled out on an ottoman in the middle of the closet.

"it's not about need with these people. it's about want." nami explained.

"what are we even suppose to wear?"

"anything you want, gum gum." keiko answered as she slipped into the silk dress. stepping around the shade as she raised her arms to show the room. "when are you ever going to get to play dress up in a rich closet ever again?"

"well what do you think?" nami said, as she too popped out of the other wardrobe shade.

"sexy." keiko winked at the girl. nami mockingly acting as a shy flustered girl.

"you look like nami and keiko." luffy said blankly. the two girls sharing a look before nami stormed back behind the shade.

keiko and luffy noticed zoro in the hallway, stopping as he walked in with his swords hung on his shoulder.

"hey zoro!" luffy greeted. "what are you gonna wear?"

"something black."

"how edgy!" nami commented from behind the shade.

"hey, does that butler seem familiar to you guys?" zoro asked, placing his swords down and sitting in the chair in the corner.

"yeah, i think he was at the last dinner party i attended." nami sassed.

"i remember that! he wasn't a butler then, just a drunk." keiko joked, the girls sharing a smirk together.

"i swear i've seen him somewhere."

"how's this?" she popped back out, this time in a dress and a bedazzled covering.

"still nami." luffy commented.

"i said i'm wearing black." keiko rolled her eyes as she looked along the wall of clothes.

"i liked the last one better." she told nami.

"i hate men. don't you hate men?" she half jokingly asked keiko.

"very much so."

"i feel kinda bad for kaya. all this stuff. all this space." luffy paused. "it's gotta make a person feel.. lonely."

"rich people don't have the same emotions we do. this stuff doesn't make her feel lonely, it makes her feel important." nami lectured, digging through more clothes on the wall.

"well, usopp likes her."

"more like loves.." keiko muttered to herself. no one hearing her comment.

"and she invited us to dinner. i'm sure we can work out a way to get that ship."

"no way. rich people don't stay rich by giving things away."

𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙖 🗡 𝙯𝙤𝙧𝙤 (𝙡𝙖)Where stories live. Discover now