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the night sky fell over the sea, clouds covering the sky hiding the stars behind them. keiko stood against the side of the boat, looking out at the waves of the sea as the ticking of the safe behind her brought her peace somehow.

"you two know each other?" the younger boy, she learned was named luffy, asked her. she looked over at him, starring as his bright expression stared back. "i sense tension."

"we're from the same village."

"you should talk to him." he said before running off to bother the other girl, nami.

keiko walked over the the covering of the small room, seeing zoro laid out on the cot. she walked over, sitting next to his legs as he pretended to be asleep.

"zoro." she tried once, but no answered. "i know you're not alseep."

"never said i was." he answered. eyes still closed, position still the same.

"you're insufferable." keiko went to stand, a hand grabbing her wrist.

"don't leave." he sat up, his body inches away from hers. their eyes tangled in each others.

"why did you run away?"

"that's a dumb question." she said to him. he knew it was too, but he still longed to ask it.

"the sword looks good on you." keiko said, it coming off as almost a whisper. a silence fell over them, their eyes still locked. zoro slightly raised his hand, wanting to reach up and brush a strand of her red hair behind her ear.

"you did it!"

keiko jumped up, oblivious to the man's actions as she ran over to the others. watching as she saw nami open the safe and reveal a gold tube. zoro following behind her.

"that's it. isn't there suppose to be gold in a safe?"

"this is more valuable than gold. it's knowledge." nami said looking around them. "this is a map to the grand line."

"the grand line! ah!" luffy smiled, looking over the map with nami.

"i wouldn't have minded a few rubys to make into jewelry." keiko said lowly, zoro glancing back at her. the girl smirking at him as he looked away.

"where is it exactly?" luffy asked nami.

"you're going to the grand line, but you don't know where it is?"

"guess i need a navigator on my crew." luffy again tried to persuade the girl. nami walking back into the covering to explain the map to all of them.

the three of them watched as she drew and listened as she lectured them about the seas. keiko learning more about the oceans as she watched the girl slide the chalk over the paper.

"and that's where we're going to find the one piece!" luffy informed them.

"i've taken out a lot of pirates looking for that." zoro said. "what is it? like a big diamond or soemthing?"

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