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keiko was in a food coma. her stomach the fullest it's ever been in her whole life. every bite was incredible, making her a bit depressed that when they sail off she'd probably never have another meal that met this standard.

"i can't eat another bite. but it's so good." usopp croaked.

"i'm not going to be hungry for a week." nami groaned.

"not me. i'll be hungry again in half an hour and have another whole feast." keiko said, leaning back into the booth just like nami.

"should we order dessert?" luffy asked.

"i already got mine." zoro said, lifting his bottle in toast. keiko couldn't even tell you the number he was on, she had stopped counting at the seventh bottle.

"that reminds me. we should do a toast. come on. grab your glasses." luffy raised his glass of milk, keiko finding the scene adorable. "to the best crew sailing on the sea and to our victory! yeah!"

keiko clunk her wine glass against zoro's bottle as usopp and luffy cheered themselves. nami rolling her eyes at luffy's words.

"what victory exactly?"

"against the marines. our very first battle and we crushed them." luffy explained.

"i don't know how many naval battles you guys have been apart of-"

"two dozen, at least." usopp cut in answering her.

"-but that was a disaster. we were unprepared, uncoordinated. by all rights, we should be at the bottom of the sea."

"we're not though. luffy saved us." usopp raising his bottle up to luffy, keiko winking at the boy.

"are we really going to ignore the elephant in the room right now?" nami asked, looking around and stopping at keiko. hoping the only sane one, besides herself, would help in some way.

"what elephant?" luffy asked obliviously.

"luffy.." keiko spoke up, setting her wine glass down on the table. "you didn't mention your grandpa was the vice admiral of the marines."

"i didn't sign up for that!" nami blurted out.

"you raided a marine base. of course that'll make you a target." zoro stated.

"if i stole the map, no one would have known i was there, as opposed to wrecking a base commanders office."

"where the fun in that?" keiko mumbled, sipping on her wine again.

"your bill, sir." sanji interrupted the table, handing luffy the check. keiko watched as the rubber boy looked the paper over. scribbling something quickly and handing it back to the blonde man.

"thank you, my good man." sanji read what he wrote, his mouth turning up into the most satisfied grin.

"no, sir. thank you."

keiko watched as the man walked back into the kitchen, wondering what the hell luffy wrote knowing damn well the kid had no berry whatsoever.

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