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not edited !
a/n : had to re-upload
due to a change at the
end of the chapter :-)

keiko daydreamed off into the sea, mentally preparing herself for what was about to unfold. if you asked her, she couldn't tell you if zoro would win or not. it wasn't that she didn't have faith him him, the whole thing was just a lot. the duel could go either way.

her attention was stolen by the sounds of zoro's boots clicking on the wood of the deck. the swordsman coming beside her, keiko's body turning towards him as he embraced her.

"nantokanaru yo." he whispered in her ear, holding her for a second before pulling away to plant a soft kiss on her forehead, then resting his on hers. their eyes closed and soaking in the others touch as their foreheads were glued together.

- it will be alright

"ready to live out your dream, zoro?" luffy asked, him and usopp joining the two on the deck. usopp wanting to poke fun at the two who were clearly involved in some way, but choosing not to as he read the room.

zoro pulled away from keiko, the girl stretching in a light smile. she followed behind the boys as luffy patted zoro's shoulder in encouragement. the four of them walking down the steps together. keiko wasn't sure where nami had gone to, but after the fight the night before she didn't blame the girl for not showing.

"monkey d. luffy." mihawk called out upon seeing the boy in his straw hat. "i'm surprised the marines would require my services for such a small package. though, i do like your hat."

"enough." zoro boomed. "lets begin."

keiko observed as mihawk pulled out a small item, uncapping it and revealing a small blade. she scoffed, appalled at mihawk insulting zoro with such a sword.

"what the hell is that? i'm here for a sword fight."

"i don't hunt rabbits with a cannon." mihawk informed zoro. their stare held together as zoro grew impatient, unsheathing his two katanas.

"i'm no rabbit."

"that remains to be seen." mihawk replied, bending into his own stance.

zoro charged the man and attacked, mihawk blocking him with his arm stretched holding the tiny blade out. all of zoro's strength pushing against the puny blade before mihawk pushed him back. his body flying as he planted his swords to brake himself.

zoro lunged once again, swinging his swords right and left. "got you on a run, huh?" he poked, mihawk taking a few steps back as he dodged each strike.

"hardly." he said before sending zoro flying even harder this time. keiko gasping as she saw zoro struggle to get up.

"you're strong. but fighting isn't all about strength."

"stop talking and fight." zoro charged once again. his fighting still strong but fueled by frustration instead.

"you're like a little frog croaking in a well." mihawk spoke as he played defense. "croak. croak. croak." he egged zoro as they danced with the two swords and little blade.

suddenly, mihawk stabbed zoro in the left shoulder. zoro wincing as he stared up at the gold eyed man. keiko's breath hitching from both the scene in front of her and the sense of touch on her forearm. her head turning to see nami offering her a touch of comfort.

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