Chapter 1

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[Author's pov]:

As the little girl returned from school, she ran straight to her room and locked the door behind her. Her mother couldn't help but feel confused and worried. She tried to call out to her, but she didn't respond. She could hear her tiny feet shuffling around in the room, but she couldn't understand why she was isolating herself like this.

Y/n felt helpless, unable to understand what was going on in her daughter's mind. The silence was eerie, and their imagination ran wild with all the possible scenarios that could be happening behind the closed door.

"Ara?", y/n called out, but again no response.

This was not the first time Ara behaved this way, a few days after she started attending kindergarten, she has been acting this way. And that concerned y/n a lot. What could make her 5-year-old behave this way was the thought that never left her head.

"Ara, baby, please open the door", y/n said again and after what felt like an eternity, the little girl finally unlocked her door and let her mother inside. She was crying uncontrollably, her tiny body shaking with sobs.

Seeing that, y/n quickly made her way inside towards her. She felt a pang of concern and sadness, wanting nothing more than to comfort her daughter. She knelt down beside her and gently wiped away her tears, trying to understand what was making her so upset.

"What happened? Why are you crying?", y/n's heart sank as she saw her daughter crying. Ara looked up at y/n with tear-filled eyes. The little girl clung to her mother, feeling safe as y/n held her right in her arms, feeling her own heart breaking as she comforted her daughter.

"Why is my baby crying?", she asked, with a concerned look on her face, she felt a sense of helplessness, wishing she could take away her daughter's pain. Ara didn't say anything for a while. The silence was broken only by the sound of their breathing and the whispers of comfort and love that y/n whispered in her daughter's ear.

After a moment of brief silence, Ara separated herself from y/n and muttered through broken words, "M-Mummy..", she said in an almost muffled tone. Y/n caressed her cheeks trying to comfort her as she spoke further.

The little girl looked up at her mother sniffling and asked, "Mommy, where is daddy?" Y/n's heart sank as she heard the question. The air was thick with a heartbreaking silence. Y/n could see the sadness in her daughter's eyes and the first thought that crossed her mind was what made her ask this question.

But she knew one thing and that was now that she had asked this question, then she had to reply with something. She decided to be strong for her daughter. She took a deep breath and tried to compose herself before answering, "Daddy is not here with us, honey-"

"Why?", Ara interrupts, making her go silent all over again. Y/n felt tears welling up in her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to push aside her own sadness and fear, focusing on her daughter.

"Did he leave because he doesn't like me?", she continued, her tiny eyes filled with tears and her lips quivering. "Who says daddy doesn't love his Ara?", y/n asked, her voice cracking with emotions.

"My friends said daddy left me because I was a bad kid", she replied, and that was enough to break y/n's heart into several tiny pieces. She never knew her daughter was going through so much.

"That's not true-"

"Then why did he leave us?", She asked, innocently.

Her questions were so simple yet so hard to reply to.

"Daddy had to leave us...", y/n mumbled in a low tone. Unknowingly, a tear rolled down her cheek, catching Ara's attention. Using her tiny hands, she wiped those tears away making y/n look at her again. "You miss daddy too, right?", she asked, and a bitter-sweet smile formed on y/n's lips.

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