Chapter 3

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#Skiptime: a few days later:

[y/n's pov]:

*knock knock*

After two knocks on the door, Mom finally opened the door. A quick smile appeared on her face as soon as her eyes landed on me and then Ara. "Ara, my child", she said, before picking up Ara in her arms. "Grandma", Ara wrapped her arms around her neck and hugged her. And Mom's face lightened up with joy. Using another hand, she immediately pulled me in a tight embrace, tears of happiness streaming down her face.

[End of pov]

A few minutes later: [Author's pov]

Y/n sat at the couch, watching her mom and Ara with a content smile on her face, happy to see her mother and daughter reconnecting after a while. Ara giggled as her Grandma showered her with kisses and exclaimed how much she had grown since their last visit.

[End of pov]

[y/n's pov]:

"I am glad you showed up today. I was missing Ara", Mom averted her gaze in my direction and said with a smile. I gave her a small nod, "Ara, was missing you, too. So, I thought about visiting you", I said and she smiled. Putting Ara down from her lap, she spoke up again, "Ara, go play with your toys", and Ara nodded her head in a big yes. She was happy seeing her grandma.

A warm smile formed on my lips as I watched Ara run towards another room. I was busy watching her, until a hand landed over my arm, making me snap out of my thoughts.

"How are you doing?", she asked, and I went silent. I didn't really know how I was supposed to answer her question. "I am...", I paused for a minute, as I lowered my gaze, and a bitter-sweet smile formed on my lips as I continued again, "fine", I replied and she just stared at me blankly.

I could tell that she caught my lie in just one glimpse and she knows that I am not okay at all and the truth was that...I really was not...I have been having this heavy feeling inside my chest since the day Ara asked me about her father. I couldn't bring myself to tell anyone how I was feeling inside, moreover, it would just stress mom out.

"y/n?", she asked, making me snap out of my thoughts and take a look at her again. "Ah.." "Are you alright?", she asked, giving me a concerned look. "Yeah, I am fine, mom. Don't worry", I placed a hand over hers and replied with a big smile. "Move in with me", she said out of the blue, with a serious look on her face.

"I want to live together with you and Ara", she added while I went silent. I shifted to the US, 5 years ago, due to my pregnancy. I wanted to stay away from this place as it was hurting me and I didn't wish to give birth to my child in such an environment. I completed my last year of graduation over there and also got myself a decent job.

I never thought I would ever return back to this place but I did. It was for Ara, she was growing into a surrounding where I couldn't really give her enough love, away from her family.

I am still trapped in this guilt, I couldn't give my daughter a whole family. In these 5 years, I have seen her face drop, every time she saw a complete family. How cruel can fate be...?

When I moved back here, I wanted to shift back together with my mom but I transferred to one of the branches of my previous company where I worked and that was far from her place. So I had to rent a flat nearby. But now that I look at Ara, she looks happier when she is with her grandma.

"I will do", I replied, and finally a smile formed on her face. "I am happy to hear that", she replied.

[end of y/n's pov]

A few days later: [Taehyung's place]:

[Author's pov]:

"Where were you last night?", a feminine loud voice asked, making Taehyung stop in his tracks. He finally turned around at the voice, just to find his mother standing in the distance with her eyes glued on him, hands crossed and a straight look on her face. A cold-distant smirk forms on his lips as he replies, "None of your business".

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