Chapter 15

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[Author's pov]:

It's like time slows down as Ara's heart races, fear gripping her as she sees the truck barreling towards her at high speed. Her body freezes, her mind filled with a mix of terror and disbelief. The world around her blurs, and all she can focus on is the impending danger and the instinct to survive.

"ARA!!", Taehyung shouts out loud as he closes the door of the car with a loud thud and starts running towards Ara's direction. A look of terror plastered all over his face as he kept on shouting her name.

Ara who was still standing there tightened her grip around her skirt and closed her eyes shut as she watched the truck get nearer. She was terrified but suddenly felt a warm hold around her body. She opened her eyes and glanced up, just to find Taehyung standing there holding her tightly into his arms.

"ARA!!!!", a loud familiar feminine voice snatched Taehyung's attention as he looked to the side and spotted y/n standing there with a dreadful look on her face. She noticed the way Taehyung had held Ara protectively against his chest for a minute until her eyes shifted towards the truck.

"TAEHYUNG!!", she blurted out loud and Taehyung followed her gaze. Taehyung quickly wrapped Ara in his coat and jumped to the side of the road. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion as Taehyung landed on the ground with a sickening sound.

Y/n rushed towards them in a hurry. She crouched next to them, and he coughed, wincing with the sudden movement.

To her surprise, Ara didn't have a single injury while Taehyung had hit his arm and his forehead, blood was oozing out.

[End of author's pov]

[Y/n's pov]:

"Tae..", the name came out of my lips and tears filled my eyesight. Without wasting much time, I pulled out my phone and called for an ambulance.

"U-Uncle...", I saw Ara stutter and warm tears started rushing down her cheeks. She was still in his arms as he asked, "Are you hurt?", his voice was enough to let me know he was in extreme pain. My eyes went towards his right arm which was hurt.

"I am..", Ara cried as she looked at him.

Suddenly, his gaze turned towards me. His gaze now soft as he assured me in a low tone, "She is safe, y/n."

"Taehyung-", I was about to reach out for him until his eyes closed and he passed out.

A few hours later: at hospital:

I stood outside the hospital room, I could feel my heart pounding with anticipation, anxiously awaiting for the doctor's return. Every passing second felt like an eternity as I clung to hope, my thoughts swirling with a mix of worry and longing.

It was my fault...I was careless...that's why all this happened...Taehyung is in the hospital just because of me. It's all my fault.

"She is safe, y/n."

That last sentence from him was breaking my heart...even in that state all he cared about was me and my child..what is he thinking? Why is he even doing all this? Why are you showing that you care when you don't..?

The sterile hospital corridor echoed with the sound of my restless footsteps. "Mumma", a voice filled with worry grabbed my attention, making me look at Ara who was sitting on the steel chair with tears in her small eyes.

I crouched down to reach her height. "I-Is uncle...alright?", she asked, her lower lips trembling. "U-Uncle is here...b-because of me..", she sobbed.

The warm tears flowed down my cheeks. It's my fault not hers...It's all my fault..he is here because of me...not because of her.

I held her tiny hands into my big ones. "It's not your...fault", I said in a low tone.

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